How To Make A Rules Channel In Discord? [Desktop And Mobile]

Creating a rules channel on Discord will require you to mess with some server settings, but the process is very straightforward.

Updated on Mar 09, 2024
Fact checked by Owen Harsono |
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How To Make A Rules Channel In Discord? [Desktop And Mobile]

How To Create A Rules Channel On Discord Desktop

Here is a step-by-step guide to creating a server rules channel on the desktop version of the Discord App.

Step 1: Create A New Text Channel

The first thing we have to do is create a text channel for our rules. To do this, click the "+" button next to the "Text Channels" writing.

Creating The Text Channel

We will set the Channel Type as "Text" and name the channel "rules". You can set the channel name to whatever you'd like! Once everything is set, click the blue "Create Channel" button.

Setting Up The Channel

Step 2: Editing The Channel's Permissions

You want your rules text channel to be clean, so we don't want any server members sending messages to it. The next course of action is to edit the channel permissions of the rules channel so nobody has permission to send messages, as we'll make the rules channel a read-only Discord channel.

To do this, hover over the rules text channel and press the "Edit Channel" button, which appears as a Gear icon.

Editing The Channel

Next, we'll go to the "Permissions" section.

Going To The Permissions Section

Under "Advanced Permissions", ensure that the "Roles/Members" is set to "@everyone". Then, look for the "Send Messages" under "Text Channel Permissions". Once there, click the "X" button until it turns red.

Editing Channel Permissions

Step 3: Type Out The Rules

Now that the channel is created and permissions are set, the last thing to do is add the server rules by typing it out. You can also add emojis to make the rules channel look more attractive.

If you're not sure about what rules to put, here's a rules format I've created that should be a good place to start:

  • Respect everyone.

  • No explicit or NSFW Discord media.

  • No harassment or bullying.

  • Do not bring up sensitive topics.

  • Do not spam unnecessary things.

  • Do not be racist or intentionally offend anyone.

  • Do not advertise other servers.

  • No offensive/explicit names and profile pictures.

  • Do not raid a voice channel if you are not wanted there.

  • Use your common sense!

Typing Out The Rules

While you're at it, why not learn how to make an NSFW channel too? Anyways, once you've typed out your rules, all you need to do is send the message!

How To Create A Rules Channel On Discord Mobile

This time, I'll teach you how to create a rules channel on the mobile version of the Discord App.

Step 1: Create A New Text Channel

The first step is to create a new text channel for our Discord server rules. So, we'll click the "+" button next to "Text Channels".

Creating A New Text Channel

Next, name the text channel. For this example, we'll call it "rules". Then, set the "Channel Type" to "Text". Once everything is done, click the "Create" button on the top right.

Naming The Text Channel

Step 2: Editing The Channel's Permission

Now, we will edit the channel's permissions so nobody can send a message to the channel. Enabling this permission will keep the rules channel clean.

Go to your newly created channel, and click the blue "Edit Channel" button to take you to the Channel Settings menu.

Clicking The Edit Channel Button

Then, click on "Channel Permissions".

Channel Permissions

Next, go to the "Advanced View" section, then press "@everyone" under "Roles".

Advanced Roles Into Roles

You will be taken to the "Permission Overrides" section, where you will scroll down until you see the "Send Messages" permission under "Text Channel Permissions". Click on the "X" button, which should turn the button red.

Clicking The X Button On Send Messages

Step 3: Type Out The Rules

Finally, type out the rules of the server in the text channel. When you're done typing everything out, enter the message, and you're good to go!

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