How To Unmute Yourself On Discord? [All Methods]

If you’re muted on Discord, it’s because you muted yourself, a moderator in the server muted you, or there is a problem with your microphone.

Updated on Mar 05, 2024
Fact checked by Owen Harsono |
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How To Unmute Yourself On Discord? [All Methods]

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Click The Unmute Button

The first reason why you are muted is because you pressed the “Mute Microphone” button, which prevents you from speaking.

If you have muted yourself, you will see a crossed-out microphone next to your name on Discord. The color of the crossed-out microphone should be gray.

If this is why you’re muted, then the fix is extremely simple.

On Desktop

On the Desktop version of Discord, unmuting your microphone is very easy. Follow these steps to fix Discord can’t unmute your microphone issues:

  1. Make your way to the bottom-left corner of your Discord screen.

  2. You will see three buttons next to your Discord username: Mute, Deafen, and User Settings.

  3. If the button with a picture of a microphone is red and crossed out, this means you have muted yourself.

  4. To unmute yourself, click on the Mute button again. If the microphone is not colored red, then you have unmuted yourself.

Click The Unmute Button On Desktop

On Mobile

Unmuting your microphone on the Mobile version of the Discord app is very similar to how you do it on Desktop. Here’s how you can unmute your microphone:

  1. Go to the menu of the Discord call you are in.

  2. At the bottom of your screen, there will be five buttons. We are looking at the one that has the picture of a microphone.

  3. If the microphone is crossed out, it means that your microphone is muted. Unlike the Desktop version of Discord, the microphone does not turn red when muted on Mobile.

  4. To unmute yourself, click on the microphone button once. The cross on the microphone should disappear, and the color of the microphone settings button will turn white.

Click The Unmute Button On Mobile

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Ask A Moderator Or Admin To Unmute You

If you did not feel like you muted yourself but found yourself muted, it may be because a server moderator or admin muted you. On Discord, there is the option to “Server Mute” someone, preventing them from talking in voice chat channels.

If, next to your name, you see a red microphone with a stop sign, that means you have been muted from the server by a person with permission. A server moderator or admin may server mute you if you break any of the rules on their Discord rules channel.

Server Muted

The only way to unmute yourself from a server mute is to ask a moderator, admin, or someone with permission to lift the server mute.

To lift a server mute, follow the steps below:

  1. Right-click on the person that has been server muted.

  2. A bunch of options will appear. You will notice two options colored red, “Server Mute” and “Server Deafen”.

  3. If the person is server muted, the box next to “Server Mute” will be checked.

  4. To unmute this person, click on the “Server Mute” button.

  5. If the person successfully had their server mute lifted, the box would be unchecked.

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Grant Discord Microphone Access

Another reason your Discord may be muted is that you have not granted Discord access to your microphone. This step only applies to Discord on Desktop.

Due to a Windows update or other reasons, your computer might not give applications access to your microphone.

To give Discord access to your microphone on Windows, follow the steps below:

  1. Open your Windows Settings.

  2. Then, go to Privacy & Security.

  3. Look for the option that says “Let Apps Access Your Microphone”.

  4. If this option is unchecked, simply click it, and it will turn blue.

Grant Discord Microphone Access

If you’re using a Mac computer, you can see our separate article on how to grant Discord access to your microphone on a Mac.

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Check If You Are Using The Correct Input Device

The last reason why your microphone may be muted is because you are using the wrong input device. Using the wrong input device will cause your Discord microphone to not work. Like the previous method, this one only applies to Discord on Desktop.

On Discord Desktop, follow these steps to ensure you are using the correct input device.

  1. Go to your Discord User Settings by clicking the Gear Settings Icon next to your Discord username.

  2. Under App Settings, go to the Voice & Video section.

  3. Under Input Device, click on the drop-down menu showing you all your input devices.

  4. Select the correct input device.

  5. If you’re unsure which one is correct, you can click on the Let’s Check button.

Check If You Are Using The Correct Input Device

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