What Is Combat Score In Valorant & How It's Calculated

One of the ways to determine one's performance in Valorant is the Combat Score, which represents the total number of points gained from a couple of factors.

Updated on Feb 22, 2024
Fact checked by Stephen Nikolovski |
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What Is Combat Score In Valorant & How It's Calculated

Combat score is a metric in Valorant usually measured in "Average Combat Score". It represents your performance in a game judged by the number of kills, damage done, multi kills, and more. At the end of each match, the scoreboard will sort the players from the ones that have the biggest average combat score to the lowest. Even though it's a very reliable metric to determine how well someone played in a game, having a low score doesn't mean you played badly, you just didn't do enough damage or kills. 

How Is Combat Score Calculated In Valorant

Here's how the breakdown goes when it comes to the combat score calculations:

  • You gain 1 point per damage done. If you down an enemy agent with 150 damage, you will receive 150 points.
  • The frag bonus is calculated based on the number of enemies alive. You will get the most points if their whole team is alive, and the least if there's only 1 enemy agent alive. The breakdown looks like this: 150/130/110/90/70 points per frag. More enemies, more points, simple as that.
  • Multiple kills will give you +50 points per every additional frag done after the initial one. In this scenario, if you get first blood and a second frag right after you will get 280 points from just the frags alone, a maximum of 300 for the damage done, and 50 for the multi-kill bonus.
  • Last but not least, each non-damaging assist will give you a flat value of 25 points. Non-damaging assists are counted if you helped your teammate land a frag with an ability, while not doing any damage to the downed enemy agent.

A high combat score may influence your rank rating, or let you get a double rank up

If your goal is to rank up as fast as possible, then you might want to up those ACS numbers and get that multi kills bonus rolling.

Average Combat Score Formula Valorant

What is The Difference Between Round Scores & Combat Score In Valorant

The average combat score in Valorant is calculated with the total combat score of the round scores divided by the total number of rounds played in that particular game. Round score is calculated for each particular round and can be seen in the timeline section once you open one of your previously played matches in your match history. From the picture below you can see that my round score for this single round is 809.

Round Score in Valorant

For you to understand it better, let's do the breakdown. In that round, I've done the last three kills of the round, resulting in me gaining 270 points from just the frags alone. Next up we have the multi kills bonus which will add up to another 100 points. I've got no non-damaging assists, which means that I've gained 439 points from the damage dealt in that round. And that's how I got 809 total combat score for that round.

This is just one round, and the combat score in Valorant is measured as an average combat score out of all of the rounds in that match. Factors such as econ rating, first blood, plants & defused aren't calculated in the combat score and are independent metrics shown in the final stats at the end of the game.

Does Average Combat Score Affect Rank Rating In Valorant

Valorant has a built-in algorithm with which it wants to place the "better" players & smurfs in the brackets in which they belong. Having a constantly high avg combat score will increase your hidden MMR, which will later enable you to gain more Rank Rating per ranked match won and lose less RR per ranked match lost.

So yeah, having a high Average Combat Score will definitely affect your Rank Rating. Having it constantly on a high value will make you gain ranks much faster than having a combat scores value that's low to average.

If your combat score is constantly lown then there's probably something you need to do to improve and get it up. The best way to improve is to learn about your own mistakes, and you can do it by watching your Valorant replays. If you haven't done it before, you can check out our guide on how to save replays on Valorant. Since the game doesn't offer that feature, there are other ways to do it, which are explained in the guide.

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