8 Best LoL Overpowered Ultimates That Solo Carry Games

The bet ultimate abilities in League of Legends, such as Karthus', can carry games on their own, with no need for any other ability in the champion's kit.

Updated on Dec 09, 2023
Fact checked by Rijad Kamberović |
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8 Best LoL Overpowered Ultimates That Solo Carry Games

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Amumu R - Curse of the Sad Mummy

Amumu's ultimate ability is also one of the best AoE abilities in League of Legends, as it's an easy one to use, and hard CC the entire enemy team.

LoL - Amumu R

His ultimate ability stuns enemies for 1.5 seconds in a large circle around Amumu, dealing 400 magic damage and it has an 80% AP scaling. Just by building some tanky AP items, Amumu can one-shot enemy squishes by himself!

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Orianna R - Command: Shockwave

Orianna's ultimate is widely known as one of the best champion ultimates in League of Legends for wombo combos with other champions. Being cast from her clockwork orb, her ultimate deals magic damage by boatloads, and drags them towards the ball.

LoL - Orianna R

Paired with someone like Yasuo, or Miss Fortune, who can capitalize on such an engage, makes this ultimate even better. Not to mention that the orb can be attached to Orianna's frontline ally, leaving her safe and sound in the backline!

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Rumble R - The Equalizer

Rumble is one of the best sleeper champions in League of Legends, for a variety of reasons. His ultimate, however, is the reason Rumble becomes one of the best battlemages in the game!

LoL - Rumble R

The ability has both a long-range, as well as a large hitbox. Coupled with the crowd control, a slow that is not to be underestimated when the burn damage is ticking, his ultimate can melt the entire enemy team even before his allies enter the fray!

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Taric R - Cosmic Radiance

Not all of the best ultimate abilities LoL has to offer focus on dealing damage to the enemy! Taric's ultimate is all about protecting his allied champions, covering his entire team in invulnerability!

LoL - Taric R

As it can be cast from two places at once, Taric can reliably protect his backline, and his frontline in any teamfight! All you need to do is use it at the best times, due to its cooldown.

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Seraphine R - Encore

One of the biggest dangers to even the best LoL enchanters with strong CC capabilities is actually casting them efficiently to hit as many enemies as possible, without exposing themselves to danger!

LoL - Seraphine R

Seraphine has no such problem. Her ultimate ability not only deals a lot of magic damage, but also charms enemies for 1.75 seconds. The best part of it all, is that her ultimate extends in the target direction for every ally or enemy champion hit.

This means that Seraphine can cast the ultimate from the backline in a team fight, and have it extend enough to hit the enemy backline anyway!

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Karthus R - Requiem

Karthus' ultimate is one of the few remaining global ultimate abilities in the game, as it targets all enemy champions on the map. And, though it does not grant vision as the ultimate Twisted Fate has, the Realm Warp, it still deals damage to all enemies.

LoL - Karthus R

Unlike the other global and formerly global ultimates, Karthus' ultimate does not fall off during the late game. Instead, it becomes even more important, dealing enormous damage in team fights after his death!

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Zilean R - Chronoshift

The late game of League of Legends boils down to bursting the enemy carry as quickly as possible before they destroy your entire team in return. And most carries can't afford to waste an item slot on Guardian Angel, which has a long cooldown anyway.

LoL - Zilean R

Enter Zilean and his ultimate, which heals the revived ally for 1200 health plus 200% of Zilean's Ability Power, in addition to having a 60-second cooldown, before any ability haste enters the equation.

It's an overpowered ability that makes carrying games infinitely easier when playing with some of the most overloaded champions.

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Sylas R - Hijack

As the name suggests, Sylas' ultimate ability fulfills the dream of most League of Legends players, as we envy the abilities of the champions we play against quite often!

LoL - Sylas R

His ultimate allows Sylas to steal the ultimate of an enemy champion and use it for himself. The ultimates he steals are repurposed to fit Sylas' own AP scaling, making some even more powerful than expected.

It's by far the best ultimate in League of Legends, as it's, potentially, every ultimate in League of Legends!

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