7 Fastest LoL Jungle Clear Champions for Farm Dominance

The LoL junglers with the fastest clear in the game, like Hecarim of Olaf, all have an advantage at taking scuttle before the enemy, or doing an early gank!

Updated on Dec 14, 2023
Fact checked by Rijad Kamberović |
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7 Fastest LoL Jungle Clear Champions for Farm Dominance

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Even though Riot Games implemented the changes to make Darius, among other laners, into an effective jungler. It never really made its way into the meta. However, while he is by no means a jungler to play in your ranked games, he does have an extremely quick clear speed.

LoL - Darius Splash Art

The quickest clear time Darius can have in the jungle is 2:56, by doing the following camps:

  1. Blue Buff
  2. Gromp
  3. Wolves
  4. Raptors
  5. Red Buff
  6. Krugs

The bleed effect, coupled with his E which heals Darius a lot at the Raptors, and clears the Krugs in record time, allows Darius to arrive at the scuttle crab before the enemy jungler, or even gank the top lane, with a fully cleared jungle, before the three-minute mark!

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Olaf is one of the best diver champions in the game, and the one that you can actually play in a solo queue game without getting reported for inting. His jungle clear rivals that of Darius, while still being an actual jungle champion, by doing the following clear:

  1. Blue Buff
  2. Gromp
  3. Wolves
  4. Raptors
  5. Red Buff
  6. Krugs

LoL - Olaf Splash Art

His axe has an AoE damage, with a cooldown that lowers when he picks it up after throwing it, and an E that does the same with basic attacks. Especially since it causes the nearby monsters to become Ghosted, thus being unable to minion block Olaf!

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Karthus is one of the most dominant League of Legends champions, and is a farming jungler through and through. With his E, he takes jungle camps such as raptors extremely quickly, while the solo buffs take bonus damage from his Q.

LoL - Karthus Splash Art

The quickest clear Karthus can do starts with the blue buff:

  1. Blue Buff
  2. Gromp
  3. Wolves
  4. Raptors
  5. Red Buff
  6. Krugs

Karthus, however, is extremely weak during the early game, and in the current jungle meta, it might be difficult for him to manage to reach the late-game teamfights where he shines.

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Zed is one of the champions that Riot tried to be a jungle as their off role, from being one of the most popular champions in LoL, at least when it comes to the mid-lane.

It did not work, as Zed offers nothing when it comes to ganks, and needs more than just level 6 to delete the squishy carry and win games. He does have a quick clear, however.

LoL - Zed Splash Art

  1. Blue Buff
  2. Gromp
  3. Wolves
  4. Raptors
  5. Red Buff
  6. Krugs

He can do a full clear in 2 minutes and 54 seconds, with a clever use of his shadows to deal damage to multiple enemies and the absolute focus rune, for the extra damage he needs in the early game, as well as get over walls for quick movement from camp to camp.

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As a farming jungler, who needs his level 6 before being capable of making a difference in a lane, it's to be expected that Fiddlesticks has a good full clear time.

The quickest full clear for Fiddlesticks, much like for the rest of the champions on this list, is not the most optimal one, however. It just takes the least amount of time to do.

Lol - Fiddlesticks Splash Art

  1. Raptors
  2. Krugs
  3. Red Buff
  4. Wolves
  5. Blue Buff
  6. Gromp

Fiddlesticks' strength does not come from his items, that is, not only from his items. But by using one of the best AoE abilities in League of Legends, his ultimate, to surprise the enemy team and obliterate them completely.

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Jarvan IV

With a Q that has the equivalent of Armor Penetration, which helps with clearing jungle camps during the early game, when he does not have all that much attack damage, and an E that allows him to do easy ganks and quickly move through the jungle, it's obvious why Jarvan IV is one of the best junglers in LoL overall.

LoL - Jarvan IV

The quickest jungle full clear he can do is:

  1. Red Buff
  2. Krugs
  3. Raptors
  4. Wolves
  5. Blue Buff
  6. Gromp

With how overbearing Jarvan IV is, a full clear is often unnecessary, and a level 3 gank is sometimes the most optimal choice, as well as invading the enemy jungle to abuse Jarvan IV being one of the best counter junglers in LoL.

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Hecarim is the jungler who must be powerful at least once every season, and even multiple times each season. This is because of the consistent damage he can output as one of the best skirmisher champions in LoL, as well as killing squishy targets with his lethality build.

LoL - Hecarim Splash Art

  1. Red Buff
  2. Krugs
  3. Raptors
  4. Wolves
  5. Blue Buff
  6. Gromp

By doing this clear, Hecarim places himself in a position to gank the side lanes easily or take scuttle crab, as he only needs to use smite once and has it up for the scuttle skirmish.

All in all, even by doing a full clear, Hecarim will gank lanes quicker than most junglers and place himself in a prime position to start cashing in on the Treasure Hunter stacks, unless they are someone like Shaco or Nunu who ignores camps in favor of ganking.

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