How to Increase Honor Level in LoL for Extra Rewards

Honor level 5 in LoL gives out a free skin at the end of each season, so here is how to increase your honor level to get the free skin, and be less toxic!

Updated on Jan 04, 2024
Fact checked by Rijad Kamberović |
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How to Increase Honor Level in LoL for Extra Rewards

How Does League Honor System Work?

The LoL Honor System, unlike its MMR, is the same across all League of Legends game modes. After every game, players get the opportunity to honor one of their allies in the post-game lobby, especially those that made a game winning play, like wiping the enemy with some of the best LoL ultimates

  • Stayed Cool - Allies that kept their mental strong in the face of adversity
  • Good Shotcalling - Allies that took charge of the game and led to victory
  • GG <3 - Allies that were, overall, fun to play with

LoL - Post Game Honor Options

Regardless of which one is chosen, they all contribute towards the player's honor level the same. However, if all players on one team choose to honor someone after the game, honor progression gets a slight bonus!

How to Get Honor Level 5 in LoL?

Honor level 5 is the highest Honor Level a player can have in League of Legends, and it takes a lot of games to gain said level. There is no easy way of doing so, as players just need to play to win their games to get honored and have it increased.

Still, some in-game practices can make it easier to earn honor and have your teammates honor you consistently

  • Keep Strong Mental - League of Legends games are won and lost with strong mental. Turning off LoL chat filter is to recognize and encourage angry allies when they make mistakes instead of flaming them
  • Shotcall - There is a reason one of the honor options is for good shotcalling. Keep your eyes open for opportunities and guide your team to victory by making use of the opportunities you see!
  • Always Honor Premades - Whether it's playing DuoQ or Flex Queue, always honor premades as a free way of getting honors. Especially as a 5-man premade, to get the progression bonus!
  • Always Honor Allies - Even in games where you feel no one deserves an honor, honoring others is an ingrained habit in LoL players, and by honoring others you increase the chances of getting the mentioned honor boost.

LoL - Honor Level 5

Even so, to get to honor level 5 will take hundreds of League of Legends games, without getting a single punishment from Riot Game in that time, for dishonorable behavior, like getting punished for using macros in LoL.

How to Check Honor Level In League?

There are a few reasons you could have for needing to check your Honor level. Either it got reset with the new season to a checkpoint, or your behaved in a dishonorable manner and was penalized by Riot Games.

It's extremely easy to check your LoL Honor Progress in your profile tab on the League of Legends Client, by hovering over the Honor Icon.

LoL - Account Honor Level

Here you can check your honor progress, the checkpoints you need to get past to breach the next honor levels, and the flair you'll have in the loading screen when you got honored in a previous match.

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