Best Fortnite Shotgun Aim Tips

You’ll never stop clicking on your opponents heads after implementing these Fortnite shotgun aim tips!

Updated on Aug 29, 2023
Fact checked by Anthony Clement |
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Best Fortnite Shotgun Aim Tips

Shotgun aim in Fortnite is the most important genre of aiming to get better at. If you're missing critical heavy shotgun shots in game you'll find yourself easily eliminated on time and time again. Thankfully, we have Fortnite tips tricks and everything else you need to improve your shotgun aim in Fortnite!

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Practice Daily

The absolute best way to improve your shotgun aim in game is to practice daily. You can use third party aim trainers like KovaaK's Aim Trainer. However, we recommend utilizing the vast amount of aim trainers in Fortnite Creative.

By practicing in Fortnite Creative maps you'll get better shotgun aim than a third party software, because you'll be practicing within the Fortnite Battle Royale engine.

If you don't know where to find a decent Fortnite aim trainer you're in luck, because Epic Games has allowed Fortnite Creative creators to make hundreds of Fantastic Practice Courses!

If you didn't find an aim trainer in our practice courses article we have another solution.


You can sort by Practice while browsing game modes in the Fortnite Battle Royale menu.

The key to improving your shotgun aim in Fortnite with practice hinges on tracking your stats. Be sure to mark down your scores in various shogun aim drills, so you can use data to tailor your practice sessions.

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Stay Calm

A problem we see a lot with people is their aim significantly decreases when they're in the heat of a shotgun build battle. If you shotgun aim fast and miss a lot this is probably the cause of your problems.

Unfortunately, panicked shotgun aim in Fortnite is a tough problem to solve. Although, we still have some Fortnite tips tricks and techniques to improve your shotgun aim in this situation!

The first of our Fortnite tips tricks and practice techniques is to play in high stress situations a lot. You can practice in high stress situations by consistently dropping at a highly populated POI, which changes depending on the Fortnite Chapter. Additionally, you can hop into a high action Fortnite Creative Map, like the Tilted Zone Wars map we recommend in that article.

By practicing in high stress situations you'll get better shotgun aim because you'll be more used to fighting in these situations, so when a heated shotgun battle arises in game you'll be more used to the situation.

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Use the Right Settings

The next of our Fortnite tips tricks and practice techniques is to make sure you have the right settings. You may be missing shots depending on your settings alone. Sensitivity settings are extremely personal, so you'll have to go through a lot of trial and error.

Even though it's extremely personalized, we can still recommend you a good starting point. If you're a controller player be sure to check out theBest Controller Aim Settings. If you're a mouse and keyboard player you can check out the Best Sensitivity.


Another option is to emulate a pro player's settings. For example you can check out Assault's Settings or Emad's Settings.

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Know Your Shotgun

Every shotgun in Fortnite has differences. When it comes to close range weapons shotguns are among the most diverse in the game. Every shotgun will have a different pellet spread, fire rate, reload speed, and damage output. Therefore, it's important that you know the Best Shotgun to enhance the quality of your shotgun aim in Fortnite.

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Practice Without a Shotgun

A fairly unique one of our Fortnite tips tricks and techniques we like to give out in terms of shotgun aim is to drop the shotgun for a while. The best way to improve your shotgun aim in Fortnite is to only use a pistol in Fortnite Battle Royale.


By only using a pistol, especially in close range combat, you'll be forced to slow down and aim for the head to win any gun fights. After a decent amount of Battle Royale games only using a pistol we guarantee you'll improve your shotgun aim in Fortnite when you switch back to normal guns.

The classic Fortnite pistol is best for this practice drill. However, depending on the Fortnite Chapter you may not have access to this pistol. Thankfully you can check out theBest Pistols to make sure you're using the best pistol available this Fortnite Chapter.

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Look At Your Opponent

A common mistake players make is to look at their reticle instead of tracking your opponent in game. When your eyes are on your opponent's head instead of your reticle you'll find yourself tracking your enemies much easier.

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Increase Your Frames Per Second

This is an expensive tip to improve your shotgun aim fast. However, it will work!

There's a reason why every pro player plays with a minimum of 144 FPS. It's because higher FPS will improve shotgun aim fast. Smoother gameplay allows you to track and aim at your opponents far easier than with low FPS.

If you don't want to spend some money on upgrading your PC there are some settings you can change in game to squeeze out a few additional frames per second. Check out theBest FPS Settings andBest Nvidia Settings for these FPS boosting settings in game and get better shotgun aim fast.

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Take Advantage of Spawn Island

Another way to improve your shotgun aim in Fortnite is to practice in spawn island.

When you spawn into the island, find a shotgun on the ground and find a moving player. Jump up and down and keep your shotgun reticle on their head. This drill works on tracking, which is an essential skill to improve on for shotgun aim in Fortnite.


We love this drill because you can easily squeak out 5 to 10 minutes of practice throughout your play session during a time when you'd regularly be Fortnite Emoting or simply AFK. Be sure to take spawn island as a time to get better shotgun aim!

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Know When To ADS and Hip Fire

'There are two different modes of firing a shotgun. Aim down sights (ADS) and hip fire. Knowing when to use each will ensure you improve shotgun aim fast.

Aiming down sights should be used for most shotgun shots in game. When a player isn't right in your space you should be aiming down sights.

Hip fire should generally be reserved for when you're barrel stuffing an opponent. If you hip fire from a great distance you'll find that less of your pellets are hitting your target, and in turn you're dealing less damage. However, if you neglect hip fire you may find yourself missing close range shots from aiming down sights too close.

The best way to get better shotgun aim by learning the difference between ADS and hip fire is from past experience. If you can learn from previous encounters you'll find yourself making leaps and bounds in your quest to get better shotgun aim fast.

Hopefully these shotgun aim tips tricks and techniques will give you better shotgun aim in no time! If you're looking for more tips to improve your Fortnite gameplay be sure to check outBest Ways To Win. Already got all the tips and tricks you need? Maybe you'd be more interested in someFun Parkour Creative Courses orValentine Day Skins!

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