Best Gnar Build Guide | Runes | Spells | Items in League of Legends

Gnar is the ancient yordle, with a peculiar evolution path. His kit, is modern, however, and the champion is usually strong in every meta.

Updated on Sep 08, 2023
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Best Gnar Build Guide | Runes | Spells | Items in League of Legends

Gnar is one of the newer champions in League of Legends, unearthed in recent Runeterra history, and officially involved on Summoner’s Rift, as there was no other place for him to be. These are the best Gnar build, runes, spells, items League of Legends can offer him, and his greatest counters.

Best Gnar Build

Gnar is one of the harder top lane champions, to both learn and master, due to his two forms, that of Mini Gnar and Mega Gnar. As such, he is reserved for more experienced players.


Best Gnar Runes

Gnar is one of the few ranged top lane champions, that is not as hated as the rest. He is still hated though, but a bit less due to how difficult to play he is.

Gnar is a champion that moves around a lot, in lane. Whether it’s to catch his boomerang or to utilize his W. So, Fleet Footwork is the best Keystone on him. Legend: Alacrity is another one of Gnar runes that synergize well with his kit, while Last Stand is there, for when he spends his rage bar and returns to his mini form.

Best Rune Path





Best Keystone

Fleet Footwork

Best Slot 1 (Rune)



Bone Plating

Bone Plating

Best Slot 2 (Rune)

Legend: Alacrity

Legend: Alacrity



Best Slot 3 (Rune)

Last Stand

Last Stand

The resolve Rune tree has Gnar take Bone Plating, to survive champions that lock him down, and do a combo, while Overgrowth is for health stacking, as with any other champion.

Best Gnar Rune Shards

Gnar is a lane bully in the top lane, who softens his enemies, before transforming and dealing the killing blow.

Best Rune Shards




+10% Attack Speed



+9 Adaptive Force



+6 Armor

As damage dealing champion, he thus chooses Attack Speed and Adaptive Force as his two Rune Shards, for early game power.

And, as most champions in the top lane deal physical damage, his last Rune Shard is Armor.

Best Gnar Spells

When it comes to Summoner Spells, there are only a few champions who are managing League of Legends trials, without using Flash. Those are Shaco or Tryndamere. For Gnar, Flash is a must-have, as Flash is, without a doubt, the best Summoner Spell in the game, overall, anyway.

Best Spells



LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


Teleport, on the other hand, is the usual pick for champions that can achieve kills by relying on their own kit, such as what Gnar top possesses. So, it’s used to achieve lane dominance with a cheater’s recall or to make a good Teleport play elsewhere.


Best Gnar Abilities Order

The first ability to level on Gnar, out of his ability order, is his Q - Boomerang Throw/Boulder Toss. It serves as his waveclear and main poke ability.

After that, the next ability in his skill order is his W - Hyper/Wallop, which is a stacking ability and can be procced by his Q, as well as synergize well with Precision runes.


Finally, besides Gnar’s ultimate, we have his E - Hop/Crunch. It serves as both a gap closer and an escape tool. Its main use is when Gnar transforms into mega Gnar, as an engage tool, for a good ultimate.

And, as always, Gnar’s ultimate must be leveled at levels 6, 11, and 16.

Best Gnar Items

Gnar is a top lane champion that needs to prepare for a team fight beforehand, with some poke damage, to then engage the enemy and be able to survive and thrive.

Best Starter Gnar Items

As an AD damage dealer Gnar always starts with Doran’s Blade as his starting for the AD and omnivamp. And, of course, a Health Potion.

First Item

Second Item

Doran’s Blade

Doran's Blade

Health Potion

Health Potion

Best Mid Game Gnar Items

In the mid-game, if you’ve played the laning phase correctly, your core build should be ready. It consists of a non-negotiable Trinity Force as a Mythic Item, for the added damage on Sheen, Plated Steeelcaps, and Black Cleaver.

First Item

Second Item

Third Item

Trinity Force

Trinity Force

Plated Steelcaps

Plated Steelcaps

Black Cleaver

Black Cleaver

Trinity Force gives both Mega Gnar and Mini Gnar useful abilities, while Black Cleaver, aside from giving the former one health, gives the latter armor shred, which is always useful into top lane tanks.


Best Final Late Game Gnar Items

Gnar is one of the unique champions designed by Riot Games. As his kit does not fall under any League of Legends category clearly, the best Gnar builds are hybrid, and can be characterized as that of a bruiser.

First Item

Second Item

Third Item

Fourth Item

Fifth Item

Sixth Item

Trinity Force

Trinity Force

Plated Steelcaps

Plated Steelcaps

Black Cleaver

Black Cleaver

Death’s Dance

Death's Dance

Randuin’s Omen

Randuin's Omen

Force of Nature

Force of Nature

After Gnar’s core build is settled, the last three items exist solely to provide Gnar with survivability for late-game fights, and if they also offer additional damage, that is just a bonus.

Strongest Champions Against Gnar

Gnar gets countered by champions that can match his high mobility such as Wukong, or those that can lock him down and win an extended trade with him, through various means,such as Sylas’ healing or Irelia’s damage.


Win Rate %











Weakest Champions Against Gnar

Galio is a lane bully, to a certain type of champion. And it is against those that he excels. Those champions would be the usual melee champions found in the top lane, who Gnar can kite and harass throughout the lane.


Win Rate %











It’s these enemies that Gnar players like the most, and dealing a killing blow to them is easy enough to do, by following this highest win rate Gnar guide.

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