Top 10 Best Mobs You Should Find in Minecraft

The best mobs in Minecraft will help you craft cool items or progress through a survival world. Some of these mobs include iron golems and the Ender Dragon!

Updated on Nov 28, 2023
Fact checked by Dean Nastevski |
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Top 10 Best Mobs You Should Find in Minecraft

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The first of the Minecraft best mobs we'll check out is the pigs because they're one of the best food sources in a survival world! Although there are other mobs who provide a stable food source, keeping a pig farm will give you lots of porkchops to cook and use in your Minecraft travels.

Minecraft Best Mobs Pigs

Another thing to keep in mind when it comes to everything you need to know about Minecraft pigs is that you can ride them like horses. Albeit they're slow, they'll get you to where you want to be if you're too lazy to walk.

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When it comes to other passive mobs that won't hurt you, villagers are definitely the best ones. That's because villagers can trade lots of items for emeralds! So if you're too lazy to get an item, make a villager trading hall because chances are they'll probably have a trade for it.

Minecraft Best Mobs Villagers

The most interesting part about villagers though is their professions since besides the wandering trader, other Minecraft mobs don't offer this system. Now this can help you out tremendously because getting the best villager jobs will give you a headstart to get lots of great items easily!

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Next up we have the blaze which is a hostile mob that will attack Minecraft players. But they're so special because they drop blaze rods which are definitely one of the most useful items in the game. One use for them is to craft blaze powder that's a main ingredient when it comes to making potions!

Minecraft Best Mobs Blazes

Another thing you'll use blaze powder is to craft the eyes of ender. They're the main thing to find and defeat the Ender Dragon that's the last boss of the game, which is why blazes are some of the best Minecraft mobs!

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Iron Golems

An iron golem in Minecraft is one of the few neutral mobs that will attack Minecraft players if they harm them first. Iron golems are the protectors of villages and they mainly spawn there. So if you plan on attacking villagers, expect some heavy blows from the iron golem over there!

Minecraft Best Mobs Iron Golem

An iron golem also automatically attacks any other hostile mobs besides wolves and creepers, so you can also make one to protect your house. And if you make an iron golem farm, they'll also prove to be a great source of income for getting and crafting iron blocks.

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Wolf Dogs

Now we'll blend 2 Minecraft mobs which are basically one and the same, and that's wolves and dogs. Wolves are neutral mobs that attack Minecraft players if they're attacked first. But feed them a bone or two and they'll become a dog which is one of the best pet companions you can get in the game.

Minecraft Best Mobs Wolf Dogs

Dogs are some of the only mobs in Minecraft that you can tame to help you in fights. Much like the iron golem we mentioned above, dogs will try to fight off hostile mobs or even players that try to attack you. So because Minecraft wolves can be tamed to become dogs with their loyalty, both of them are definitely some of the best Minecraft mobs to have around in a survival world!

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Storage of items is very important in Minecraft, and the shulker is probably the only mob that will give you the best method of keeping items safe. That's because they can be defeated to get and craft shulker boxes! A shulker box is so great because when compared to chests, they won't drop their items once destroyed so you can easily keep chests worth of items in your player's inventory.

Minecraft Best Mobs Shulkers

Most of the other mobs in Minecraft are boring to beat with most of them having melee attacks. What makes shulkers so great though is their special attacks that make you float, making beating Minecraft mobs much more fun!

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We couldn't go on without mentioning the creeper that's one of the most iconic faces in gaming. Their sneaky tactics in approaching you from behind and outright exploding have cemented creepers as one of the best hostile mobs in Minecraft!

Minecraft Best Mobs Creeper

Besides their fun exploding mechanics, creepers also have lots of uses for your survival world. That's because creepers drop gunpowder which is used to craft TNT.  Even though creepers are a hostile mob, it's always fun to have them around to keep players on edge or just explode unneeded parts for building.

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The Endermen are some of the best mobs in Minecraft because they drop ender pearls, they're the only mob that can steal blocks and teleport around the overworld. Speaking of usefulness, ender pearls can help you teleport and travel faster everywhere.

Minecraft Best Mobs Enderman

Unlike some other hostile mobs, an Enderman won't attack you unless you attack it first or look it directly in the eyes. So they're somewhat passive mobs that don't like being looked at, even though you can tame an Enderman for yourself!

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The Wither

If you want a challenging fight in Minecraft, then you'll definitely love the Wither. The Wither is a boss mob that can only be spawned by the player. Once defeated, a Wither will drop a nether star that's used to craft a beacon that's used to boost up your in-game stats like health and mining speed!

Minecraft Best Mobs Wither

Although it's a difficult fight since the Wither uses powerful ranged attacks that deal 4 hearts of damage and apply a special poison effect, the payoff is huge when considering their nether star drop. The hard challenge combined with their item drop definitely makes the Wither one of the best hostile mobs in Minecraft!

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The Ender Dragon

Last but not least the title for the best mob in Minecraft has to go to the Ender Dragon. The Ender Dragon is the final boss of the game that has the most fun mechanics and attacks. And once defeated, the Ender Dragon will drop a massive amount of EXP and you'll be able to go to End Cities to get one of the most fun items in the game - the elytra!

Minecraft Best Mobs Ender Dragon

And that wraps it up for the best mobs in Minecraft. From hostile mobs to friendly ones like the iron golems, they all have something to offer to the players. And with their fun mechanics as well, finding these challenging or passive mobs definitely makes for one of the best things to do when you're bored in Minecraft

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