Best Cars in Rocket League (Ranking & Tier List)

Overwhelmed by which one is the coolest or most functional battle car to pick? We've taken the time to list the best cars on offer.

Updated on Mar 10, 2024
Fact checked by Marc Hammes |
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Best Cars in Rocket League (Ranking & Tier List)

Here is my personal tier list:


However, only my opinion doesn't count so we asked the community and analysed the esports scene and looked at who plays which car. We have taken the time to list the best cars on offer, cutting the workload for you so that you can focus on training, playing and ranking up. Bear in mind that even though there are technically only 6 body types in terms of hitboxes, we also take into account the overall feel that a specific car gives the player.

Here’s our list of the best Rocket League cars to choose from.

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The Octane was released in July 2015 and is the only original model in the game that was also present in Supersonic Acrobatic Rocket-Powered Battle-Cars, the game that Rocket League spiritually succeeded.

Listed as "Common" rarity, this car is immediately available for the player to use as it is one of the four options present at the beginning of the game, meaning there is no need to unlock this vehicle. It is also the default selection made for the player upon beginning the game.


This car is by far the most used car in both casual and competitive gameplay, offering a well rounded and versatile playstyle that fits the vast majority of playstyles. Over 70% of the competitive community use this vehicle and most competitions have been won by individuals using this car type. This goes a long way to showcasing the value the community places on this battle car.

The octane as mentioned, has a huge popularity within the Rocket League community with people like SquishyMuffinz, Kronovi, Kaydop, Musty, Lethamyr and many more using it. This is due to the octane body type's well-rounded stats and excellent hitbox qualities.

Here is a quick guide of the stats.

  • Length: 118.01
  • Width: 84.20
  • Height: 36.16
  • Surface area: 34495
  • Turning average: 2.18
  • 0% boost speed: 2.323
  • 100% boost speed: 1.967

The key highlights are the ability to dribble very precisely, win aerial duels, and the car also has a deceptively good shot impact as well. The octane body type is the perfect all-rounder which allows for pretty much any playstyle. Oh, and check out our guide on best Octane decals if you're looking to be seen in the most stylish car on the pitch.

Tall hitbox that blocks more kick-offs and 50/50 challenges.
Less reach when compared to flat, streamline car hitboxes
Easier to dribble without dropping the ball
Smaller turning radius compared to some vehicle types
Hitbox allows for more consistent touches

2 /9


Next up is the Dominus, a streamline muscle car design that has remained one of the most popular car models since it’s inclusion in the Supersonic Fury DLC pack way back in August 2015. Of course, this car is now completely accessible to all players but it did begin its life as a very desirable premium model.

This car is arguably the most used car outside of the octane body type vehicles and you can see why with this vehicle's mix of style and substance.


Dominus's popularity comes due to the move away from an all-rounded skill set such as the octane and a move toward specialist areas worth praise such as a harder shot, longer nose and better turning circle. It does suffer in other areas such as it’s lack of accuracy upon impact, with instances where the player can clip through the ball or make inconsistent touches. Plus, due to the lower hitbox, 50/50 challenges are much harder to win.

Though not as popular as octane, dominus does still get a lot of love within the community (we also compared Octane and Dominus) and even at a professional level. Players such as Gimmick, remkoe, JHZER or JSTN are big advocates for the dominus, showing that this car has a place on the biggest stage of them all.

The dominus has a set of stats that gives players clear weaknesses and strengths to work with. No stat is average, it is either poor or fantastic, making this car perfect for long shots, flicks, freestyling mechanics, winning aerial duels and goalkeeping.

You can see its car stats below:

  • Length – 127.93
  • Width – 83.28
  • Height – 31.30
  • Surface area – 34529
  • 0% boosting – 2.336
  • 100% Boosting – 2.031
  • Turning average – 2.22

This car has wonderful handling and a quick turning radius, making it a very mobile car that can react to the frantic action on the field very well. The car also has a longer frame and hitbox, meaning that it is better at reaching balls than the more stumpy car types.

This longer nose also makes this car very effective for flicks (including the popular Musty Flick). If making an impact with the front of the car, this vehicle will hit a harder shot than most cars on the roster. The car is also able to take up more of the goal when playing as a goalkeeper too.

As a whole, this car is a really impressive vehicle that isn’t for everyone. Unlike the Octane, you will need to get used to this one but if you give it the time it deserves, you will begin to see the appeal of this muscular car body.


Longer reach

The low frame makes 50/50 challenges difficult

Harder shot impact

Touches can be inconsistent.

Brilliant at flicks
Takes a bit to get used to

Great turning radius

3 /9


Now we have the car that didn't used to be that popular, but has seen a dramatic increase in popularity lately, especially among pros. We are of course talking about the Fennec. This car was initially released in 2019, and it is a premium body, meaning it has to be bought (see how to get Fennec the easiest way). Nonetheless, it might be well worth it, because many pros have been switching from Octane to Fennec, such as OKhalid, Apparently Jack, Daniel and Arsenal among others.


Fennec just feels very smooth and natural, and performing mechanical plays seems quite seamless. It also feels quite light, allowing for faster recoveries and less time lost getting out of awkward positions.

This one runs off the octane hitboxes stats, which means that this is a very viable option when it comes to consistent gameplay and picking up results.

Here is a list of the stats below

  • LENGTH: 118.01
  • WIDTH: 84.20
  • HEIGHT: 36.16
  • SURFACE AREA: 34495
  • 0% BOOST SPEED: 2.323
  • 100% BOOST SPEED: 1.967

With these stats and the octane hitbox, this means that the model provides some excellent benefits. The key highlights are the ability to tightly dribble, win 50/50s reasonably consistently, and it has a deceptively good shot impact as well. A great all-rounder.

Apart from casual players, many pros actually prefer using the Fennec too like . However, it does have a poor turning radius making it less prepared to defend counter-attacks than some other vehicle bodies. Plus it’s not the longest vehicle on the roster, leading to a lot of aerial duels going your opponents way.

Overall, It’s an excellent choice with many strengths and a few weaknesses.


Reasonable shot impact

Short hitbox, subpar in aerial duels

Great dribbling ability

Turning radius isn't great

Consistent touches

Great feel for mechanical plays

4 /9


Now we have the first current premium car on the list in the form of the Batmobile. This car type is only attainable with the purchase of paid DLC and comes in two variants, one being the modern 2016 Batmobile and the other being the 1989 Batmobile (check our out guide on how to get the Batmobile). These cars are listed as a plank car type but they, in fact, have their own hitbox which makes them much more desirable than pretty much all plank car types on the roster.


This car has garnered a reputation within the professional community for being a great competitive vehicle option. This isn’t to say that it is anywhere near as popular as the dominus or the octane. However, it does have enough of a following that some big-name professionals use this car as their main. Players that do this include Kuxir97, Fairy Peak and Turbopolsa who happened to become season five champs in the Batmobile.

  • Length – 128.82
  • Width – 84.67
  • Height – 29.39
  • Surface area – 34365
  • 0% boosting – 2.40
  • 100% boosting – 2.10
  • Turning average – 2.25

The batmobile boasts an excellent turning radius, making it a super adaptable and mobile vehicle. Plus, this car has an outstanding length, meaning that it can win most aerial duels, getting to the ball ahead of more stumpy cars such as the octane.

The car has the longest and widest hitbox available within the game, which not only allows for a much more consistent way to save shots, but it also allows for players to get really consistent and effective flicks with each attempt to do so.

It does have some issues to contend with, one of which being the batmobile’s low frame, making it poor when it comes to winning 50/50 battles on the ground. Another issue is that Psyonix changes this car's stats more often than others, which can be frustrating for batmobile players.


Excellent length for winning aerial duels

Very low frame causes you to lose most 50/50s

The best car at flicking

Stats often changed unwittingly in patches and updates.

Brilliant for goalkeeping

Great turning radius

5 /9


Now we have a non-premium car that has been present since the release of Rocket League. This is, of course, the breakout. This vehicle is earned by the player by completing matches and doesn’t require any DLC purchase to acquire. It presents itself in a very streamlined fashion (speaking of fashion, check out how to make the most fashionable Breakout of them all). The car has a low and long frame with a raised dome in the middle of the car body.


This car runs off its own body type (Breakout body) which is known for being the longest in the whole game. This suits players that like like aerial plays and going all in on the attacking plays. In short, this car isn’t too viable for team games with the Dominus being much more well rounded.

However, this car still does see some use for freestyle and solo games, with even the occasional professional player championing this car.

The breakout has a series of stats that make it a formidable tool for solo play and plays rather similarly to the dominus. Check out its stats below.

  • Length – 131.49
  • Width – 80.52
  • Height – 30.30
  • Surface area – 32679
  • 0% Boosting – 2.336
  • 100% Boosting – 2.035
  • Turning average – 2.22

The Breakout is a car that shares a lot of its good points with the more popular Dominus. This is due to the very similar hitboxes and reliance on length to pull off insane flicks and win aerial duels with ease. For this reason, the breakout can do all these things very well and makes an ideal candidate for solo games. Being able to reach a ball first makes all the difference in these games and with the longest car on the roster at your disposal, this can be much easier to achieve.

Despite these great perks, this car falls short of the dominus for a number of reasons. The breakout shares the same flaws as the Dominus such as the low frame making 50/50 challenges hard to win, plus the inconsistent touches. However, it also has its own unique flaws too. This one is more narrow, meaning a lesser surface area and therefore makes a less effective goalkeeper. On top of that, breakout lacks that same shot impact at the front that the dominus is packing.


Longest car on the roster

Basically a worse dominus

Great for freestyle and solos

Average shot impact

Good for flicks
Poor at 50/50s

Inconsistent touches

6 /9


Now we have the super bulky van type vehicle called the Merc. This car is a non-premium vehicle and can be acquired for free within the game by simply completing matches. Merc presents itself with a huge, bulky frame and acts as an enforcer on the field. Apart from menacing, Merc can also look really cool if you know how to design the Merc.


This car runs its own variant body type (Merc). This means that this car is rather accessible to beginners and even more so when you consider the size of the vehicle. For those that are new to the game and struggling to make contact with the ball consistently, the Merc can be a real ally that allows you to feel your way into the game without achieving poor results.

Thanks to its huge frame and bulky body, it offers a well-rounded set of stats that combine with the large frame to make the ultimate beginner car.

Have a look at the stats below

  • LENGTH: 120.72
  • WIDTH: 76.71
  • HEIGHT: 41.66
  • SURFACE AREA: 34495
  • 0% BOOST SPEED: 2.323
  • 100% BOOST SPEED: 1.967

Merc shares some special advantages, such as the tallest hitbox in the game that will ensure that you win most ground duels and have an advantage when goalkeeping. Plus this car is excellent at dribbling the ball too, making this car brilliant when the play is on the ground.

Due to this flat body, there are some drawbacks.

The Merc packs a powerful shot in its locker but one that is often inaccurate. The car is much more suited as a defensive vehicle that can clear balls rather than make precise shots or pinpoint passes.

Although, it makes for a great weapon due to its size, as it’s hard to get out of the way from this juggernaut, therefore opponents are subject to a few demolitions with each game.

In short, this one is perfect for beginners but after a while, the merc will become ineffective for most players and you’ll want an upgrade.


Large size makes it great for beginners

Poor in the air

Great defensive capabilities

Lacks accuracy

Great dribbler
Turn radius is subpar

Wins most ground 50/50s

Feels clunky

7 /9


Now we have the paladin, a long car with bulky curves that can be unlocked by players for free by completing matches. This car gives the impression through its sharp edges and intimidating frame that it packs a punch and can act as an enforcer, and to its credit, it does a pretty good job in that role.


This car runs off a plank car body meaning that it is flat and low and brings with it all the positive and negatives of that shape. In terms of competitive presence, the paladin is pretty much absent in all forms, getting less and less likely to even encounter one once you start ascending higher than the gold ranks. However, if you want to look like the goldest of the gold, check our our Paladin design guide.

As mentioned, this car runs off a plank car body, meaning that it has stats that are similar to that of the breakout or dominus. It relies on its flat and streamlined body to take advantage of smaller, stumpier cars.

Here are the stats for the paladin.

  • Length – 128.82
  • Width – 84.67
  • Height – 29.39
  • Surface area – 34365
  • 0% Boosting – 2.342
  • 100% Boosting – 2.014
  • Turning average – 2.25

The stats of this vehicle come with certain pros and cons. The pros to expect are a superior shot power to most other types. Plus an aerial dribbling ability that is up there with the likes of the dominus and the breakout. Not to mention that when hitting shots side on, this car is unrivalled for the power that it can generate.

However, for these attributes, the player is likely to lose a lot of 50-50 challenges due to the low frame and this model is prone to a more common near miss or misplaced pass/shot. Overall, this model is not for a casual player, it takes time and practice to get good with this one.


Excellent length for winning aerial duels

Loses most 50/50s due to low frame

The best car at flicking

Lacks accuracy on the ball

Brilliant for goalkeeping

8 /9


Next up is the venom. This car can be unlocked by completing matches and requires no DLC or injection of cash to obtain. The car presents itself as a less curvy version of the octane. It looks like an actual RC car and has some stylish touches such as the grill at the front of the car and the protruding sides of the vehicle.


This car runs off a hybrid body type which aims to give players a middle ground between the octane and dominus body types. This means that if you are a player that couldn’t make the most of one of these body types, perhaps having a splash of both will help you achieve more consistency on the pitch. Check out our guide on the best designs for Venom.

The venom model runs with the hitbox and stats of a hybrid body type. This is usually used for cars that aren’t quite an octane class but also not quite a dominus either. Basically, it's a hybrid of octane and dominus bodies, hence the name.

Here’s the stats for the Venom.

  • Length – 127.02
  • Width – 82.19
  • Height – 34.16
  • Surface area – 34242
  • 0% Boosting – 2.345
  • 100% Boosting – 2.014
  • Turning average – 2.21

Due to this vehicle being a mesh of the octane and dominus, this car offers some benefits of the two. The benefits are that you gain a much more powerful shot than the octane, plus aerial dribbling abilities are improved much like the dominus. You also get decent dribbling on the ground with this one like the octane, although not quite as tight as the octane itself.

However, the negatives for this model start with a sacrifice in overall maneuverability that you will see. Turning can feel rather labored at times and it will take a good deal of practice to turn those near misses into high-class finishes.

Basically, what you get is a much more well-rounded performance that offers consistency in all areas rather than excellence in select areas. This is good for a player that can’t decide on their playstyle and hasn’t specialized yet, but for more experienced players, we would feel free to skip this one.


Well-rounded, best of both world approach

Jack of all trades, master of none

Decent aerial dribbling and presence

Poor maneuverability

Good ground dribbling
Prone to near misses

Decent shot power

9 /9


Now we have another premium vehicle joining the party in the form of the marauder. The Goliath vehicle was first released in 2016 as part of the Rocket League Collectors Edition but was later made available for individual purchase. This car featured as one of the main vehicles in the parent title, Super Acrobatic Rocket Propelled Battle cars and its design is reminiscent of real-world inspiration, the Humvee.


The design of this car is rugged and bulky, with plenty of subtle details to add to the overall aesthetic such as a roof rack, a stylish grille and front bars (of course, you can make it look to your liking, check out our Marauder design guide on how to do that). 

The Marauder runs off the octane body type and due to its perceived size, it plays quite similarly to the likes of the merc in many ways.

  • LENGTH: 118.01
  • WIDTH: 84.20
  • HEIGHT: 36.16
  • SURFACE AREA: 34495
  • 0% BOOST SPEED: 2.323
  • 100% BOOST SPEED: 1.967

In terms of what this car has to offer, it has pretty decent dribbling capabilities. In addition, due to its solid height, it will be quite good at 50/50s. Its turning radius is still as poor as the octane, it still has a short hitbox making it lackluster when it comes to aerial duels. Plus, with its rather stocky build, it has the same issues the merc has with shot accuracy. 

It can hit hard but not always in the desired direction. Overall, its perhaps a step up for beginners that want a better alternative to the merc which can provide better dribbles and aerial dribbling. Yet it still doesn’t really serve as anything more than a starter car. It does look cool, though.


Slightly better feel when dribbling than octane

Poor turning radius

Beginner-friendly due to bulky frame

Loses more 50/50s than octane

Very powerful impactLacks accuracy
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