Tag Jinx

Best League of Legends Supports to Play With Jinx

Best League of Legends Supports to Play With Jinx

Jinx is the ADC that has the potential to be a hyper carry, however, what she needs is an enchanter support and a single kill to do it.

Most Popular Champions | LoL

Most Popular Champions | LoL

Whether a veteran or beginner, no one can deny that everyone wants to know who is the most popular League of Legends champion ever.

League of Legends Jinx Full Lore Explained

League of Legends Jinx Full Lore Explained

League of Legends lore is unstable even in the best of times. Add to that Arcane, and you have a hodgepodge of conflicting information.

League of Legends Singed Full Lore Breakdown

League of Legends Singed Full Lore Breakdown

Morals and ethics don’t seem to have a place on Runeterra. Singed, the Mad Chemist is the best example of this.

League of Legends Vi Full Lore Breakdown

League of Legends Vi Full Lore Breakdown

A long time before Renata Glasc was introduced to the game, LoL had another strutting female Zaunite on the Rift. Her name is Vi, The Piltover Enforcer.

Most Played Champions in League of Legends

Most Played Champions in League of Legends

Curious about the most played champions in League of Legends? Then check out this list to answer that question and become a great player using these characters!

Best Vi Skins | LoL

Best Vi Skins | LoL

Looking for a skin for one of Arcane’s main characters? Well, you’re in luck because this is a collection of the best Vi skins available in LoL and Wild Rift.

Best and Funniest Voice Lines in League of Legends

Best and Funniest Voice Lines in League of Legends

Riot has not only found ways of entertaining players with new champions, skins, or new game modes, champion’s voice lines are also a fun part of playing LoL.

Best Jinx Skins | LoL

Best Jinx Skins | LoL

As if she wasn’t popular enough, this marksman from League of Legends has gotten a lot more famous in past months thanks to the Netflix series Arcane.

Best ADC Champions in LoL

Best ADC Champions in LoL

Of the two bot lane champions, the ADC is arguably the more important one, at least in the late game.

Best League of Legends ADCs to Play With Lulu

Best League of Legends ADCs to Play With Lulu

Lulu is the prime example of a utility support champion. However, there are some ADCs she synergizes the best with, and those to avoid when playing her.