How To Find The Perfect Sensitivity In Valorant [Explained]

After deciding whether you’d like low or high sensitivity, you can use The Range, Aim Lab, or your own replays to find the perfect sensitivity for Valorant.

Updated on Jan 21, 2024
Fact checked by Owen Harsono |
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How To Find The Perfect Sensitivity In Valorant [Explained]

How To Calculate Your Sensitivity

The best way to “calculate” and mention a sensitivity is through eDPI, which stands for Effective DPI. Basically, there are two parts to your Valorant sensitivity, which are:

  • Your mouse DPI

  • Your in-game sensitivity

Two players can have an in-game Valorant sensitivity of 0.8, but if one player has a mouse DPI of 800 and the other has a mouse DPI of 400, their actual sensitivity isn’t the same, right?

So, eDPI is the best measurement of one’s Valorant sensitivity, and the formula is very simple. All you have to do is multiply your mouse DPI by your in-game sensitivity. 

Effective DPI = Mouse DPI * In-Game Sensitivity

So, for example, a mouse DPI of 400 and a Valorant sensitivity of 0.8 will give you an effective DPI of 320. You can adjust either your mouse DPI or in-game sensitivity to find your best eDPI for Valorant.

Figuring Out High Vs. Low Sensitivity

There are two main types of sensitivities: low sens and high sens.

To find your perfect sensitivity, you should figure out which of the two types you’d like to use in Valorant.

High Sens

An eDPI of 360 and above is considered a high sensitivity.

Here are some points that support a high sensitivity:

  • You prefer moving your wrist over your arm.

  • You do not have too much desk and mouse space.

  • You enjoy fast-movement agents like Jett or Raze.

  • You have fast reaction times and enjoy flicking.

A high sens is generally less popular since your aim becomes less precise. However, professional players like f0rsaken and something are known to use high sens.

Low Sens

An eDPI of 180 and below is considered a low sensitivity.

Here are some points that support a low sensitivity:

  • You prefer moving your arm over your wrist.

  • You have a lot of desk and mouse space.

  • You like precise and accurate aim.

  • You like consistent aim and movement.

Most Radiant Valorant players prefer a low sens. Professional players like Zellsis and Demon1, along with many others, are known to use low sens. 

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Finding The Best Sensitivity Using The Range

Now, let’s figure out how to use The Range to find your perfect sensitivity.

If you have not found a “comfortable” mouse sensitivity yet, you can start by using the average professional player's eDPI, which is 280. Here is a table to help you calculate an eDPI of 280:

Mouse DPI








After setting your sensitivity, let’s quickly set up the range to find the best sensitivity for you:

  1. Launch Valorant and load into The Range.

  2. Under the Skills Test, set up the Practice mode.

  3. A lot of bots will spawn, and they will not be moving.

  4. Now, go to the side of the room, where you can see all the bots sideways.

  5. Keep on flicking from one bot to another.

  6. Pay attention to whether you are overflicking or underflicking.

If you are overflicking, meaning you move your mouse too much, decrease your in-game sensitivity by 0.01.

If you are underflicking, meaning you are not moving your mouse enough, increase your in-game sensitivity by 0.01.

Keep repeating this process until you feel comfortable with a specific sensitivity.

Practice mode

go to the side of the room

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Finding The Best Sensitivity By Watching Your Own Replays

The method I recommend the most to finding the best sensitivity is to watch your replays. Record an entire Valorant match using a recording software, and then sit down and watch the entire replay.

Focus heavily on your crosshair, and notice how you aim when you see an enemy. Then, ask yourself these questions:

  • Am I overflicking? Am I aiming more than I should have?

  • Am I underflicking? Is my mouse movement generally too slow?

You will not realize if you are overflicking or underflicking while playing the game. However, if you’re just sitting there and watching your replay, you can really pay attention to see your flaws in aiming. Then, you can adjust your sensitivity accordingly and watch the next game you play.

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Finding The Best Sensitivity Using Aim Lab

Aim Lab is a great tool to help you improve in Valorant. It’s an external application that can help you determine the ideal Valorant sensitivity.

Aim Lab has a test that will help you adjust your Valorant eDPI and sensitivity. The test will last about 18 minutes, and at the end, Aim Lab will suggest the sensitivity you should use.

To take the Aim Lab test, follow the steps below:

  1. Launch Aim Lab, and go to the Analyze section.

  2. Aim Lab will advertise two tools to analyze your settings. We will click on the Basic one.

  3. Aim Lab will provide flicking and tracking tests to evaluate if your sensitivity is suitable for you.

  4. To take the test, click on Flick Optimizer.

  5. Input your current mouse DPI when asked.

  6. Perform the test and see the results at the end.

two tools to analyze your settings

Flick Optimizer

You can also figure out if the new sensitivity is effective by taking some recommended Valorant Aim Lab aiming tests to help you improve.

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