How To Fix The Version Mismatch Issue In Valorant? [Solved]

The Version Mismatch error can be fixed by restarting your Valorant. But if that doesn’t work, we have another method to help you.

Updated on Nov 28, 2023
Fact checked by Owen Harsono |
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How To Fix The Version Mismatch Issue In Valorant? [Solved]

In Valorant, the Version Mismatch issue occurs when a person is on the wrong version of Valorant. As a result, you cannot queue with this person because they are in a different version of Valorant than everybody else. Fortunately, the issue isn’t too serious, and the solutions are relatively easy.

Valorant Version Mismatch Error

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Restart Your Valorant Client To Update The Game

The main solution to fixing the Valorant Version Mismatch error is simply restarting your Valorant game client. All you need to do is to close Valorant and relaunch the game.

Exit To Desktop Valorant

As usual, the Riot Games launcher will pop up when you try to start Valorant. The launcher is designed to automatically update your game to the latest version before launching, which is what you’re looking for to fix this issue.

The update should begin immediately and is usually only a few megabytes. Once the update is completed, you can open Valorant to see if your outdated version is no longer mismatched.

However, if the Valorant launcher does not prompt any update, and you are still experiencing a Version Mismatch after restarting your game, you should look to the next solution below.

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Restart Your PC

If restarting Valorant did not solve the Version Mismatch problem, the secondary solution is to restart your computer.

A hard restart of your PC will reconnect you to your internet and, most importantly, flush your RAM, which can fix the mismatched files causing the issue.

If you’ve restarted Valorant and your PC to no avail, you might have to try the final solution I can offer.

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Reinstall Valorant

The final and last resort step is to uninstall Valorant and reinstall it again. By reinstalling the game, you are deleting all the necessary files, including the troublesome ones causing the Valorant Mismatch issue. Reinstalling the game can also fix Valorant black screen problems.

When you download the game again, you will automatically have the latest version of Valorant, ensuring that your version of the game is no longer mismatched.

To uninstall Valorant, follow the steps below:

  1. Hit your Windows key and search “Add or Remove Programs”.

  2. There, you will see a list of all your installed applications. Search for Valorant.

  3. Click on the three dots next to Valorant.

  4. Finally, hit Uninstall.

Uninstalling Valorant

After the uninstallation of Valorant is completed, you can re-download the game. To download Valorant again, go to Valorant’s official download page by clicking this link and installing the game.

I can guarantee that uninstalling the game will fix Valorant Version Mismatch errors for everyone.

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