Best Annie Build Guide | Runes | Spells | Items in LoL

Find out everything you have to know about the best Annie build, runes, spells, items and counters. Dominate the mid lane with Tibbers and destroy your enemies!

Updated on Mar 05, 2024
Fact checked by Anthony Clement |
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Best Annie Build Guide | Runes | Spells | Items in LoL

If you play Annie mid lane in League of Legends, then this guide will be perfect for you. Let's discover the best runes, top Annie item, summoner spells and much more to dominate the summoner's rift with this funny champion.

Best Annie Build

When you play Annie mid lane in League of legends or LoL wild rift, your main build should be focused on magic damage. Annie build deals magic damage to multiple and nearby enemies and she can even deal with almost any enemy champion if you play safe, escalate and improve your early game farm. Annie can easily burst enemies with her powerful ultimate and CC.


Best Annie Runes

Annie is a very useful champion during the team fights with her useful passive stun, her amazing damaging tool when she summons Tibbers and her molten shield to keep her allies alive. She is a useful champion at the rift, so, to take advantage of her magic penetration build, the child mage has to use Domination runes and Electrocute to be specific.

Best Rune Path



Best Keystone


Best Slot 1 (Rune)

Cheap Shot

Manaflow Band

Best Slot 2 (Rune)

Eyeball Collection

Absolut Focus

Best Slot 3 (Rune)

Relentless Hunter

Best Annie Rune Shards

Now, about the best runes shards for Annie, consider using 2 offense balls and 1 magic resistance shard. This will help Annie to deal extra damage to her enemies and burst them easily. This will also keep you safe during the laning phase and be able to be a real killing machine when summon Tibbers.

Best Rune Shards



+9 Adaptive Force


+9 Adaptive Force


+8 Magic resist

Best Annie Summoner's Spells

As Annie mid lane, your main goal is to burst the enemy champions when you reach level 6. For that reason, the best summoner spells for Annie are Flash and Ignite. You may also use Flash and Teleport, but ignite is a great spell to achieve the first blood at the summoner's rift.

Best Spells




Best Annie Abilities Order

Annie's skill order is really easy to follow, but you must remember some things. First, killing an enemy refunds the mana cost with your Q, you can use Annie's molten shield over any allied champion or Tibbers, lastly, every time you use 3 abilities, your next offensive ability will stun nearby enemies. The skill order for Annie is: Q , W and E.


Best Annie items

As mentioned above, Annie build items are focused on dealing a lot of magic damage, so ability power and cooldown build is so important for the character. That will help Annie to burst enemies when summoning Tibbers and one-shot enemies. These are some items to consider: Luden's tempest, Stasis enchant or an infinity orb, you may also include Ionian boots of lucidity or sorcerer's shoes. Let's discover all items in this Annie guide.

Best Starter Annie Items

Annie should not suffer too much in the early game, even if her auto attacks animations are not the best, farming with Annie's disintegrate ability (Q) which refunds mana when you hit minions and kill them. So, a Doran's ring and some health potions will be perfect for her.

First Item

Second Item

Doran’s Ring

Health Potion

Best Mid Game Annie Items

At this point in the game, Annie is able to deal magic damage and spam Tibbers around the summoner's rift. We recommend Luden's tempest, Shadowflame and Zhonya's Hourglass for the mid game. You may also consider buying some sorcerer's shoes, which is a good mid lane Annie item to take advantage of her immense pyromantic power.

First Item

Second Item

Third Item

Sorcerer's Shoes

Luden's Tempest


Best Final Late Game Annie Items

Finally, in the late game, the dark child is a powerful late game champion. You should consider buying a Rabadon's deathcap and a void staff to deal damage and kill all League of legends champions if played well. With the full build, Annie is capable to summon Tibbers every 20-30 secs, which is a powerful ability during team fights even if Annie dies.

First Item

Second Item

Third Item

Fourth Item

Fifth Item

Sixth Item

Luden's Tempest

Sorcerer's Shoes


Rabadon's deathcap

Zhonya's Hourglass

Void staff

Best Champions to pair Annie with

Annie has a good synergy with champions who can help her to burst enemies easily. So, champions such as Ekko, Pantheon and Rek'Sai are amazing champions which can make the task of attacking enemies and dominate the dragon lane really easy.


Win Rate %








Strongest Champions against Annie

On the other hand, Annie suffers so much against those all in champions or main poking champions during the lane phase. So, avoid playing Annie against Kassadin, Azir or Fizz. Those champions can make the middle lane a hell for Annie.


Win Rate %








Weakest Champions against Annie

Finally, Annie damages enemies who can't survive her all in an ultimate combo. You can play Annie against champions such as Le blanc, Taliyah or Yasuo. Annie can deal good magic damage in the mid lane and be a useful piece for almost all teams. We hope this is one of the best Annie build guides you can find on the internet and climb ELO easily with her.


Win Rate %


Le Blanc






You may also read our guides about the best Yorick build League of Legends or the best Ivern build League of Legends to learn more about champions who can summon an ally inside the rift. See you!

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