League of Legends Diamond Rank Explained

Once the highest rank in League of Legends, for the casual players it still remains the goal that everyone strives towards.

Updated on Sep 05, 2023
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League of Legends Diamond Rank Explained

Diamond is the sixth rank in League of Legends.

Some of the Diamond rank players are League of Legends elite, and at this point, a lot of them are starting to form professional teams and compete on the Esports scene. Diamond once used to be the highest rank in the game. Here’s everything you need to know about it.

Is Diamond Rank Good in League of Legends?

Those who are Diamond players are among the top 2,3% of all League of Legends gamers. Being a Diamond rank player is, obviously, very good. Most of these gamers, though, specialize in playing certain champions over others.

Additionally, Diamond rank is full of bought accounts, so it’s likely to have games where your allies and enemies are of much lower skill than required.


Some players from this tier are used to scrimmages, as it takes the Diamond I rank to be able to compete professionally. They might have their own team and play occasionally. However, if they do compete, they are usually in very low tiers of Esports competition.

How Long Does it Take to Get to Diamond Rank in LoL?

At this point, things might sound a bit counterintuitive. For example, a Diamond player might reach Diamond before an average Platinum player reaches Platinum. Why is that, you might ask.

Well, getting to the Diamond tier is reserved for a selected few, usually, those who are willing to make extreme sacrifices or those who are very talented, and whether or not you’ll reach Diamond can be seen quickly, and grinding out hundreds of games is definitely not the way to do so.


Those who wish to get to Diamond will need to, on average, invest between 1,500 to 2,300 hours in LoL, to learn what needs to be learned.

As mentioned, high competitiveness makes it very hard to reach this tier, and most people will, unfortunately, never be able to enjoy this level of competition. Plus, Diamond is also one of the hardest rank to get out from and it can take super long.

That said, make sure to get yourself equip with one of the ways to earn money by playing LoL to profit from the climb regardless.

Grand Master

Ways to Improve From Diamond in LoL

The next tier, above Diamond, is Master, a rank populated by just 0.030% of players. In other words, 3 players in 10,000 will reach this tier. But that doesn't mean it is impossible to get there. You will have to be very precise with your individual and team fight execution and follow a few strict rules.


While there is no guarantee that you will reach Master, and most people never do, there are some things that might exponentially increase your odds.

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Master the Draft Phase of Matchmaking

Try to communicate during the draft phase and create a clear vision as to what you want to do. By picking a certain champion, you should already know what your purpose is in the game and how you could impact team fights. Do not pick champions based on their OP status.

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Learn Macro Gameplay

Most Diamond players have impeccable micro-skills. The next step is knowing how to play on a macro level.

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Utilize Proper Team Communication

Team communication is key. Just knowing that your jungler will play for one side of the map, leaving you to play weakside, can let you win games easily.

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