Best supports for Kindred in League of Legends

Kindred is a marksman who is usually played in the jungle, but some bold players who have mained this champion also play her as an ADC

Updated on Mar 05, 2024
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Best supports for Kindred in League of Legends

Playing Kindred in the bot lane as an ADC is a very niche pick that only those hardcore mains of this champion dare to play confidently. 

But it shouldn’t take being a main of this champion to at least try her out of her designed role as a jungler and actually unveil her AD carry potential. However, to play Kindred ADC successfully you will need the right support in your bot lane, therefore, here we will show you what are the best supports for Kindred ADC in League of Legends. 

What are the best supports for Kindred ADC in League of Legends?

Right off the bat, the best supports in the bot lane for Kindred ADC are those who can tank  qualities, this is because kindred can be rather weak and you want to attack the enemy as safely as possible, without risking to take much damage. 

But, if your duo’s champion likes aren’t tanks, then other supports who can poke the enemy from distance, stun, or grant some sort of movement speed or attack speed improvement, will do the job. 

Stop searching endlessly for “best support for kindred adc League of Legends” because we got you covered here!

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The unusual use of Kindred ADC in the bot lane can be challenging because this champion isn’t meant to be played in this role, but despite that, Blitzcrank has nice synergies of abilities that can get the most out of Kindred’s.

In the early game, they have the means to safely fram and trade attacks with the enemy team in case it’s necessary.

Because Kindred ADC can be somewhat squishy, Blitzcrank is great to protect Lamb and Wolf from the enemy team or to just set everything to get a kill thanks to his hook.


When in the bot lane Kindred and Blitzcrank have the resources necessary to activate the passive ability of the ADC, all they have to do is focus on one of the enemies together to get a kill, in the best case scenario, you manage to get at least 4 kills, that way the range of basic attacks will be increased thanks to the passive itself. Because this requires focusing on a specific target you choose, buying items that grant more attack speed for Kindred is the ideal thing here, meanwhile, Blitzcrank should go for a full tank build to resist damage.

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Alistar is a great compliment for Kindred ADC and the playstyle of this marksman in the bot lane.

The thing that makes Alistar so good for Kindred is that he can engage against almost any enemy, and that will ensure kills easily, allowing for Kindred’s passive ability to stack if you coordinate your attacks with those of your support Alistar. The minotaur’s kit of abilities is something that Kindred can capitalize from easily and effortlessly.


The ideal play with this duo of champions would be for Kindred to first mark an enemy so Alistar knows who he is going to charge against. After that, the minotaur should wait for the right moment to engage, this would be when they’re sure the enemy jungler isn’t around to avoid a gank.

If you have the greenlight to attack, both champions should use their abilities together to eliminate the marked target by Kindred, the ADC must always stay back attacking from behind while Alistar stuns the enemy and tosses them in the air.

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If, for some reason you don’t like Alistar, then another tank support champion whose playstyle is almost the same in League of Legends and will work great with Kindred too, is Leona.

In the early game, the best thing for both champions would be to stay under the turret and wait until some gold has been farmed. When you feel confident enough, or have at least the first item, you should coordinate your attacks and abilities to take down the enemy duo one by one.


One thing to take into account when playing with this duo in League of Legends, is that Kindred doesn’t have burst damage with his ultimate. The only champion that can offer this burst damage would be Leona, therefore using timing Kindred’s auto attacks with his abilities is important to get the most damage output.

This is especially important in the mid game or even late game, when the enemy can do more damage than the one that your support Leona could take, which is why getting items for Kindred that increase the attack speed is important.

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Morgana is a really nice support when you play Kindred ADC because she can place some distance between the enemy team in the early game, the way she achieves this is easy thanks to her Tormented Shadow, and if enemies get too aggressive or cocky because Kindred isn’t that common pick for the ADC role, then she can stop them with her Dark Binding.

These are the types of abilities that Kindred thrives with because they allow for windows of time to deal damage safely.


Different from the previous supports that we have gone over here, because Morgana isn’t that much of a tank, her abilities allow to do more damage to the enemy, which is useful to achieve faster kills with Kindred.

And the good thing is that Morgana has a wider form of CC thanks to her ultimate, which can be used after Kindred’s.

With this support, it is important for Kindred to have enough attack speed for the mid game and the late game, therefore, in exchange for items that give you more damage, you can go for the rune Lethal Tempo to even the attack speed and damage ratio.

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Annie is another nice pick to pair with Kindred ADC in the bot lane thanks to her aggressive playstyle that will have enemies thinking things twice before daring to get any more closer than necessary.

Annie is a nice mage who has several tools to deal a lot of magic damage, which evens the scale, since Kindred’s damage when played as an ADC is almost all physical. Supports such as Annie are rather fragile, therefore the offensive abilities should be left for the right moments to manage your mana in the most optimal way.


With Annie, what you want to do is to count the abilities you use so you can proc the stun of your passive in the right moment, this time you ensure high damage and crowd control, for your Kindred ADC to finish the job. If things get too complicated or during a trade with the enemy duo, or the enemy jungler comes to the bot lane, you can always cast your shield on Kindred so she can be safe and protected.

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Kindred seems to get along with fire, because Brand is yet another support that works perfectly well with her. Similar to annie Brand or Morgana, Brand has a very aggressive playstyle that can create huge gaps between you and your ADC and the actual enemy, his flames can last for several seconds dealing damage, that sometimes can seem to be forever, therefore the enemy would want to keep their distances, that’s where Kindred should take the advantage, farm, and if possible poke the enemy too.


Unlike Annie, Brand doesn’t have any type of protection in his ability kit, therefore his “defense” mechanisms rely on the crazy damage output he has.

Taking this into account is essential to not make any mistakes when playing with this mage, that means, don’t push too hard the lane, and be always aware of the jungle to avoid ganks, because Brand doesn’t have the greatest mobility either.

To play Kindred as an AD carry can be a rather niche choice, but in the right hands, and with the right companion, this unusual pick can turn into a victory for your team.

Still, we wouldn’t advise pretending to achieve a high elo rank with this champion in this specific role because there are other characters that are actually designed for the role, and who will have a better performance during a match in League of Legends.

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