Best supports for Lucian in League of Legends

The relentless sentinel of light is the favorite of many summoners, paired with the right support, he can carry a game with little to no effort

Updated on Mar 05, 2024
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Best supports for Lucian in League of Legends

Lucian, the Purifier, is an ADC that has an extremely aggressive playstyle thanks to his auto attacks and abilities with wide range, being able to poke the enemy AD carry. 

He has a solid presence during the laning phase, and with the right positioning, he can land his abilities on the enemy champion from a safe distance, when you play Lucian you want to pick one of the best supports for him, and here, we will unveil the best supports for Lucian in League of Legends.

What are the best supports for Lucian in League of Legends?

In League of Legends, the best support pick when you play Lucian are those who can easily stun enemies and protect him. 

But because this isn’t mandatory, other supports who can boost movement speed or attack speed, also work well with him. 

Taking these factors into account, a support champion who stuns the enemy champion works wonders to hard engage against the enemy laner, meanwhile a good support who boosts your stats, or who even has a strong heal, allows to quickly use a double shot from your passive, after utilizing, e.g., your Q ability.

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If you have followed the lore of League of Legends, you’ll know that Senna is Lucian's long-time lover who escaped Thresh’s lantern.

Introduced as a support, Senna has in her kit of abilities stuns and heals that Lucian easily capitalizes from. But as if that wasn’t enough, the couple can use Senna’s mist (E ability) to improve their movement speed to quickly reach the enemy team and unleash their high-ranged abilities and for Lucian’s to use his double auto attack from Lucian’s passive.


A good thing about Senna’s kit is that she can cover the entire team with her mist, becoming unselectable, ideal to lunge at the enemy team with during the mid game, when team fights come up often.

Finally, her ultimate, although it doesn’t have the highest burst damage, does cast a shield on those allies hit by it, ideal to protect Lucian.

Similar to Lux’s ultimate, hers can be used to steal monsters from the enemy jungler and hurt other champions as long as they're in the hit box. If you often look for “Best support for Lucian League of Legends” you’ll surely find Senna in the lists.

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Ironic, right? It may sound like a joke but Thresh is one of the best support champions of Lucian in League of Legends, and in general, to be honest.

The way Thresh and Lucian’s abilities synergize is quite nice to say the least. Despite not having any sort of movement speed improvement for Lucian, Thresh can still tank a lot of damage, stun enemies with his Q ability, and protect Lucian during trades in the bot lane, or in the enemy jungle, to put an example.


In the laning phase Thresh can try and poke the enemy AD carry with his hook. This allows the Purifier to use an ability and follow up with a doble basic attack from Lucian’s passive.

In the late game team fights Thresh can protect Lucian from most champions attacks, or even get in the core of a fight to use his ultimate so Lucian follows up with his extremely powerful ult, “The culling”.

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Braum is a highly recommended support pick to join Lucian in the bottom lane thanks to how both of their passive abilities work.

Almost any Lucian player should be able to proc Braum’s stun from his passive with Lucian’s passive ability double shot. Support champions such as Braum have to engage first during the mid game or late game so Lucian can take advantage of his high movement speed and attack speed to hit the enemy ADC.

Also, to ensure extra tankiness and the survival of Lucian, we recommend equipping Knight’s Vow item on Braum.


In the bot lane, to support Lucian with Braum, one of the best supports for him, it doesn’t take a high knowledge of these champions, but you do need to know how proc that stun from Braum’s passive, since, during rankeds it will help you achieve the highest rank possible at least for the current patch of League of Legends.

Another thing to take into consideration is that with this duo, you should always go for the enemy ADC first if the enemy support champion isn’t a tank, this will help you get the first kill quite a lot.

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Nami is one of those support champions that work really well to support Lucian because of how complete she is.

The truth is that nami is a widely popular support in League of Legends that is picked quite a lot. In the bot lane, Nami can support Lucian by healing him, granting him extra movement speed, and stunning enemies.

With his first ability, nami can stun enemies and Lucian can easily land abilities on them.


A good combo between these two that’s extremely powerful in the mid game or even late game, is to first use Nami’s E on Lucian, followed up by Lucian’s attacks and double autos, then Nami’s ulti, and finally Lucian’s. This alone could be the main reason most people might want to try this duo in the bot lane. In this patch Nami has a decent pick rate, which tells how good of a pick she currently is.

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Yuumi is one of those supports that can give you the advantage and will annoy enemies.

She’s one of the supports who can heal and it always comes handy for Lucian because she can also hit opponents with her Q ability as well. Among other things, Yuumi has great use with Lucian when you play them, because once she gets her ultimate, Lucian can hit them with all his kit.

In this current patch, Yuumi’s ban rate is rather high, and it stands out in the average ban rate of supports in League of Legends.


To play Yuumi properly, you basically want to be attached to your Lucian and use your Q ability to poke the enemy. A good point Yuumi and Lucian have together is that when attached, the bonus speeds from her “E” are passed to the person she’s on, in this case, Lucian.

This way he can easily hit his double autos after an ability is casted when you play him against the enemy in the current patch.

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This might be a bit unusual but Seraphine is actually a nice support pick to play in the bot lane with Lucian.

When you play her with the Purifier, she has all the tools for him to basically hit and delete enemies.

In this patch, Seraphine has been doing quite well, her shield is always useful for her team and during games, she can slow or stun enemies for Lucian to engage against enemies properly in both early game and late game if played correctly.


In the bot lane, Seraphine can stun the enemy with her “E” skill, or at the very least, slow them down. When you play this duo, wait for Seraphine to slow the enemy down so Lucian can follow up with his basic attacks and abilities.

In the late game, Seraphine can is an example of an outrageously annoying champion because of her shield, and if her passive ability is on, she will also heal her team if they are inside the area of her “W”.

Lucian’s a champion that can feel overwhelming to play against if you don’t know him that well, because his kit of abilities allow him to hit the enemy consecutive times without foreseeing it.

But for those main Lucian out there, or those who want to learn how to play the champion, this guide will shine some wisdom on them to have the insights of what a good support for Lucian looks like, or at least, their abilities.

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