Best Brimstone Lineups on Haven | Molly

In this article we will show you the best Brimstone lineups on the Valorant map Haven.

Updated on Nov 30, 2022
Fact checked by Anthony Clement |
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Best Brimstone Lineups on Haven | Molly

Using Brimstone as your main Controller agent on Haven might sound silly because his smokes are limited in range. But his Incendiary is one of the ways Riot Games balances the power budget of agents. Having at least one molly is crucial for any team composition, and it makes Brimstone a relevant pick even though he’s one of the Beta agents.

Best Attacking Brimstone Lineups

Attacking A Site Brimstone lineups

A default post plant Incendiary lineup from A Short

This is an essential lineup for post plant situations as Brimstone on the attacking team on the Haven map.

For it you need to get in this small corner on A Short.

Looking up you need to aim here, where the tree meets the box.

This lineup flies over the wooden box, bounces off the wall and should land on the default plant spot.

A default post plant Incendiary lineup from A Long cubby

If you like playing further back and comboing utility with your teammates, then you need to learn this lineup. Get on top of these bags in the cubby on A Long.

When looking up you need to locate this corner of the building and put the tip of the molly icon on it.

It should look something like this.

This lineup is also for the default plant spot on the A site, and if you combine it with timely smokes on A Tunnel and A Heaven, defusing will be a tough task for the defenders.

Attacking B Site Brimstone lineups

B default plant spot from Mid Courtyard

Because of how compact the B site is, defenders usually love playing post plant situations off the site. With these Brimstone lineups, you can prevent the defuse without ever exposing yourself to danger.

Stand next to this wall in Mid Courtyard and look towards the B entrance.

Make sure you are not exposed and aim for this side of the entrance, on the same height as the horizontal wooden plank on the wall.

This lineup bounces off the side of the entrance and lands right on the default plant spot, preventing the defuse and the aggressive push.

B default plant spot from Mid Window

The same lineup but done from Mid Window, from where you can wall bang the wall to prevent the defuse.

This lineup, sprays through the wall and your ultimate ability, make defusing on the B Site a nightmare. Aim for the top border of this white rectangle on the wall and fire the lineup.

It bounces off right on top of the default plant spot.

B right corner plant lineup from Mid Courtyard

While the previous lineups cover the middle and the left side of the plant spot, this one covers the right side toward A Link.

Get in this corner under Mid Window and aim towards this spot on the wall.

Use the vertical red wooden plank on the wall for guidance and just aim a bit above it, under the roof.

Attacking C Site Brimstone lineups

C default plant spot from C Long

As we already explained in our Haven map guide, planting in the open and playing off site is how you should attack on Haven. This lineup also does the same, as we plant on the default plant spot and get out in C Long.

Get in this corner on C Long and aim up and a bit to the left of this white horizontal line on the side of the mountain.

This lineup bounces off the Garage wall and lands right on top of the default plant spot.

C default plant spot from Cubby

If you like playing closer up and swinging for easy kills, then this lineup is for you.

Get in this Cubby in C Long and locate this corner of the roof. Aim a bit to the right so the lineup bounces in that direction and fire it.

It should land on the default plant spot and if anyone is defusing the spike, they have to get off. Giving you easy kills as you peek when they run away.

If you want to know about all the other lineups you can do on Haven with all the other agents make sure to check out these:

Best Defending/Retake Brimstone Lineups

Defending A Site Brimstone lineups

A Heaven plant deny lineup

If you rotate early while planning the retake, and you hear that the spike is still not planted, you can use these lineups to prevent it completely.

This one is easier to do because all you need to do is shoot in the middle of these four wooden boxes.

The Incendiary lineup should bounce off them and land right on the default plant spot. If Heaven is smoked off you can use this thing to guide yourself.

Just aim a bit over it and strafe to the right to get on the window.

A Link plant deny lineup

You can do a similar lineup from A Link, which combined with your Stim Beacon and Brim’s Orbital Strike, can make for a powerful entrance.

Get in this corner in A Link and aim for this white section on the right side of the angle.

This lineup bounces off the wall, and you should combine it with well placed smokes to cut off the sightlines. Throw down a Stim Beacon as you are entering and use your ultimate ability on A Short.

This is how the American Sergeant  Brim can single handedly carry rounds.

Other good Incendiary lineups on A Site

While these are not specific lineups, they are still overall good places to use your Incendiary to slow down or prevent the push in choke points and tight corridors.

With this one you can clear out this corner that attackers love holding to avoid the flashes and spamming through smokes.

But most of the time you are better off doing this one to completely halt the A Short rush.

Combined with a well placed smoke and anything that isn't a Jett or a Raze wouldn't dare push through that.

This one can give much more value if they are all running up A Long. If you hear them taking the ultimate orb and trying to push through your smoke do this lineup.

It should bounce off the wall and land here, splitting the team in two groups which combined with your ultimate, can be deadly for the attacking side.

Defending C Site Brimstone lineups

C Link plant deny lineup

Brimstone is one of the few Valorant agents whose ultimate ability is best used to deny plants. Combined with this lineup you can force defenders off their angles as your team is swarming in.

Get in this corner in C Link and look upwards until you find this wooden log sticking out.

Aim a bit to the left of it and fire the lineup. It should bounce on top of the green box and land right on the default plant spot.

Other good Incendiary lineups on C Site

Preventing the push on the C site is really easy if you are playing Brimstone because of your Incendiary and your smokes.

Using any of these to prevent the C Long push and clear the Cubby is fine as long as you don't die using them, otherwise you should save it for the retake.

This one in Connector is a lot more acceptable because it funnels the enemy team towards yours in C Link and slows down the push enough for the flank to come through.

That’s it. All the lineups for our favorite agent: Brimstone. If you want to check out all the other lineups that we have for our American sergeant make sure to check out these: 

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