Best Killjoy Lineups on Haven in 2024 [All Abilities]

Check out best best Killjoy lineups on Haven, ranging from attacking A and C sites to defending strategies.

Updated on Feb 21, 2024
Fact checked by Eddie Lemon |
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Best Killjoy Lineups on Haven in 2024 [All Abilities]

Best Attacking Killjoy Lineups

Attacking A Site Killjoy lineups

A Long setup

To set up in A Long, find the corner next to some bags on the ground. Make sure not to climb on them.

Next, focus on the third wooden log on a nearby building. Align it with the diamonds on top of your release buttons. It's tricky because Killjoy’s hand hides the first log, but you're in the right spot if the log is between the diamonds.

Notice how one diamond is on the left side of the log and the other on the right. Maintain this position and left-click to release your grenade. Avoid jumping during this action.

This grenade is designed to reach the backside of A site, a common hiding spot for enemies. It's a crucial tactic for attacking A site effectively.

Clearing A Heaven lineup

Haven can be challenging without smokes, but there are effective Killjoy lineups to assist.

When facing enemies in A Heaven, position yourself next to the bags, similar to the earlier setup. Aim carefully at the designated spot.

Then, left-click while jumping. Mastering this may require practice, but even a miss can create a valuable Nanoswarm lineup. A successful hit places the grenade directly in Heaven, disrupting enemy positions.

Post Plant Default on A site

For a post-plant setup on A site, position yourself as with previous A site lineups. Then, aim for the specified spot on the map and left-click.

A closer look at the placement shows it should be in the middle of the second part of the roof, slightly lower.

Left-click without jumping to ensure the grenade lands and covers the entire front side of the Spike Site. Experimenting with the placement to either side can reveal additional effective lineups for post-plant scenarios.

Attacking C Site Killjoy lineups

Attacking Corner Next to Connector

One of the top Killjoy lineups for the attacking side targets a common defender hideout near the C site. Defenders often hide in a specific corner to ambush attackers moving through smokes.

To counter this, position yourself next to the boxes mentioned. Look for a specific leaf as your aiming point in the provided picture. Left-click right after you jump. Perfecting this may require some practice, but the payoff is significant.

This lineup not only flushes defenders out of their hiding spot but also blocks rotations from Garage. It's highly recommended to use this lineup whenever you attack the C Site for its strategic advantages.

So, who said Sentinel Agents can’t help on offense, huh?

Attacking Corner Behind Plat

For countering defenders in smokes on the C site, this lineup is invaluable. Start by positioning yourself in the corner on C Long.

Look for a tiny white line between your abilities, lining it up with the cable management box.

This alignment helps you place your Nanoswarms perfectly on the backside. Jump and left-click to deploy the grenade accurately in the intended area.

Feel free to adjust the height of the white line slightly for variations in your lineup, targeting Plat and other parts of the site effectively.

C Long Post Plant Lineup

From the same corner as the previous lineup, target a new position for a strategic advantage.

Use the corner of the metal box as your guide, paying close attention to where the top of the triangle on your HUD aligns.

Simply left-click to release the Nanoswarm. This precise action ensures the grenade lands perfectly on the default plant spot for C Site, providing crucial coverage and disrupting enemy defenses.

If you want to know about all the other lineups you can do on Haven with all Valorant Agents, make sure to check out these:

Best Defending/Retake Killjoy Lineups

Defending A Site Killjoy lineups

A Setup

The default A Setup involves placing an Alarm bot and one Swarm grenade to counter pushes on A Long. Meanwhile, position yourself in the cubby on A Short for optimal control.

The Turret is best placed on the box to enable peeking based on its engagement in Sewer. Here, another Swarm grenade is ready to welcome any advancing enemies.

While using this setup, it's common to be traded out, but if you're solo holding the site and manage to eliminate two opponents while also inflicting chip damage on those in A Long, consider it a successful defense.

Defending B Site Killjoy lineups

B Garage Hold on B Site

This lineup is designed to cover both B and Garage to a certain degree by effectively utilizing your utility. However, it's important to note that this does not constitute a strong hold. You should place your Alarm Bot and grenade on B, following the setup shown in the video. This strategic placement helps in controlling the area, albeit with limitations.

B Garage Hold on Garage

To enhance control over Garage, place your Turret as illustrated in the subsequent picture. Additionally, right-click a grenade next to the door as soon as the Spawn barriers drop. This setup allows you to effectively monitor both spots from C Link, providing a strategic advantage. Implementing this tactic can slow down the enemy's push significantly, offering your team more time to respond and adjust their defense accordingly.

B Setup

For an effective B lockdown setup, position your Turret on top of the box as shown in the picture, with your Alarm Bot directly underneath it. Place two grenades on each side of the entrance. This arrangement ensures that the grenades can inflict significant damage on enemies as they enter. However, it's crucial to avoid positioning yourself as depicted in the video since this may compel you to engage prematurely, potentially reducing the effectiveness of your grenades.

Garage Setup

Position the Alarm Bot close to the door to detect enemies attempting to enter. In case the Alarm Bot's coverage is compromised, your Turret will serve as a backup alert system. Strategically placed, two grenades cover a significant portion of the area, making it the ideal spot to focus your attention on. By swinging towards this area, you'll likely encounter wounded enemies, giving you an advantageous position for engagement. This setup ensures you're well-prepared to defend the Garage effectively.

Defending C Site Killjoy lineups

Garage to C Setup

If you prefer not to play directly around the Garage corners, this alternative lineup can effectively halt enemy pushes. However, it's important that someone is assigned to cover C Link for this strategy to be successful.

  • Place the Alarm Bot on the left side of the entrance to detect incoming threats.
  • Deploy one grenade on the right side of the entrance and another one closer to the site for strategic area denial.

When your Alarm Bot is triggered, activating both grenades can inflict massive damage and potentially force the attackers to retreat. If the enemy decides to push despite the grenades, your Turret will alert you, setting up opportunities for easy kills as they attempt to advance. This setup not only disrupts the enemy's movement but also provides a significant tactical advantage by controlling key pathways.

Anti Jett Setup

This lineup is all about countering Jett's typical entry strategy — using smokes and dashes to infiltrate the back site.

  • Position the Turret on the wooden logs to ensure it can detect Jett if she opts for that route.
  • Right-click a grenade onto the belt and another in the corner of Plat, making sure you're standing on top of it while doing so.
  • Place the Alarm Bot in the middle to guarantee detection of any movement through this area.

C Setup

  • Deploy two grenades at the entrance of the site to immediately challenge entering attackers.
  • Position the Alarm Bot on the opposite side of the entrance. This setup ensures that you can trigger the grenades at the perfect moment, based on the Alarm Bot's alert.
  • Place the Turret on the wooden logs again, providing a wide field of vision over the site and its approaches.

Best Ultimate Spots for Killjoy

Best Bomb Spot A Site for Killjoy

A Short 

To set up the best position for Killjoy's abilities in A Short, find the corner as shown in the image, but take two steps back. Placing it directly in the corner can lead to it being easily countered, as many Valorant players are familiar with such common spots.

This location is ideal for deploying your ultimate ability on A Site, as it extends coverage across nearly the entire site, excluding only a few angles.

Best Bomb Spot B Site for Killjoy

A Short-Sewers

You can also clear the entire B Site from a similar position. Put your ultimate down on this box in A Short but also take two steps back so it doesn't get wallbanged.

This clears the entire site and because of its design, enemy players can't even peek into the site, let alone enter.

If you want to see all the other lineup guides that we have for our German engineer make sure to check out these: 

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