Recrent Mouse, Crosshair, Keybinds, Map, Video Settings

All Recrent Valorant Pro settings, including hardware and in-game settings.

Updated on Oct 23, 2023
Fact checked by Dean Nastevski |
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Recrent Mouse, Crosshair, Keybinds, Map, Video Settings

There are a lot of popular players and streamers that play Valorant. And a lot of their fans are interested in their Valorant settings, as well as their hardware.

One such player is Recrent, who has given his Valorant settings on Twitch. But he’s really quick and hard to follow. So if you’re a fan of his, stick around as here we’ll check out Recrent mouse, crosshair, map bindings, video settings Valorant!

Recrent Mouse Settings

Recrent uses a Razer Viper V2 Pro mouse, which goes for around $100. But some people don’t have that kind of cash laying around. So next we’ll check out Recrent’s Valorant mouse settings to get to Radiant faster!

Scoped Sensitivity
Windows Sensitivity


Although you may get Recrent’s Valorant settings for the mouse sensitivity right, you’ll also want to combine them with his crosshair.

Recrent Crosshair Settings

Recrent has shown us his settings alongside his crosshair. But he didn’t give us his crosshair code, so we created it with the same inner lines, outer lines, center dot, movement, and firing error which you’ll find below. If you don’t know how to use crosshair codes, you can learn how to import and export crosshairs here.


Some people simply aren’t fans of crosshair codes. So if you want to insert Recrent’s crosshair in Valorant manually, next up’s a table with Recrent’s crosshair settings. 

Use Advanced OptionsON
Outline Opacity1
Outline Thickness1
Center DotOFF
Show Inner LinesON
Inner Line Opacity0
Inner Line Length1
Inner Line Thickness1
Inner Line Offset2
Movement ErrorOFF
Firing ErrorOFF
Show Outer LinesON
Outer Line Opacity0
Outer Line Length1
Outer Line Thickness1
Outer Line Offset3

It's also important to mention Recrent uses a Scoped white crosshair with a thickness of 0.456. He also holds instead of toggling right-click to aim, whether with a sniper or Vandal.

Combine Recrent’s crosshair with the best Valorant crosshairs in the game, and you’ll be set for life! But enough about crosshairs and mouses, as some players may be more interested in Recrent’s Valorant settings for key bindings…

Recrent Keybind Settings

Recrent uses his ultimate ability on his Glorious GMMK Pro keyboard like any average player. But he has changed some essential Valorant key binds like how he equips the spike. So below are Recrent’s Valorant settings for his key bindings.

WalkLeft Shift
CrouchLeft Ctrl
JumpSpace Bar
Use ObjectF
Equip Primary Weapon1
Equip Secondary Weapon2
Equip Melee Weapon3
Equip SpikeThumb Mouse Button 2
Use / Equip Ability: 1C
Use / Equip Ability: 24
Use / Equip Ability: 3E
Use / Equip Ability: UltimateX

Now you can crouch, jump, and use the best Phantom skins like Recrent with these key bindings. Although it may take you some time to get used to these Valorant settings, they may help you out in the long run!

Recrent Map Settings

How you view the minimap on your screen defines your Valorant game sense. Knowing where the enemies are located alongside callouts with the “Show Map Region Names” setting is essential. And Recrent has a way of his own for the enemies’ location on the minimap. So here are Recrent’s Valorant settings for the map:

RotateRotate - ON
Fixed OrientationBased On Side
Keep Player CenteredOff
Minimap Size1.2
Minimap Zoom1
Minimap Vision ConesON
Show Map Region NamesAlways

You could use the best Valorant map settings, but Recrent’s settings are also pretty good. Some players tend to out zoom the minimap and turn off the “Keep Player Centered” and “Minimap Vision Cones” settings, but that’s just up to reference.

Recrent Video Settings

The last settings we’ll check out here are Recrent’s video settings. If you don’t have a good PC, then you should check out how to increase FPS before you use Recrent’s video settings. Though without further ado, here are Recrent’s Valorant General video settings:

Aspect Ratio16:9
Limit FPS on BatteryON - Max: 60
Limit FPS in MenusON - Max: 144
Limit FPS in BackgroundON - Max: 30
Limit FPS AlwaysOFF
NVIDIA Reflex Low LatencyON + Boost

Recrent has some specific FPS limiters, but you should use them if you’re headed on to fully copy his settings. Next up are Recrent’s Valorant Graphics video settings:

Multithreaded RenderingON
Material QualityLow
Texture QualityLow
Detail QualityLow
UI QualityLow
Anti-AliasingMSAA 2x
Anisotropic Filtering2x
Improve ClarityON
Experimental SharpeningON
Cast ShadowsOFF

And that’s it for all of Recrent’s Valorant settings! Some of Recrent’s graphics settings are specific for NVIDIA users, but that doesn’t mean you can’t copy his other settings. While you’re at it, you should also check out ShahZaM’s pro settings!

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