The Best Heroes for Each Map in Overwatch 2

Overwatch 2 has 36 maps in rotation. Find out which heroes to pick to take on each map's objective and layout.

Updated on Oct 31, 2023
Fact checked by Anthony Clement |
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The Best Heroes for Each Map in Overwatch 2

Overwatch 2 is a sequel to Blizzard-Activision’s team-based online multiplayer first-person shooter game. As a hero shooter, it allows players to play as class-based characters wielding different skills and playstyles.

Overwatch’s maps reimagine real-life areas with a technological twist. The game has over 36 maps in the current rotation; due to the different layouts and objectives, the best heroes for each map largely depend on their abilities and weapons.

Push Maps


The new push game mode has a simple concept: capture and push the TS-1 until it reaches the objective point. Each team is obliged to push the robot. Whichever team pushes the farthest wins. Most maps in the current meta for push maps favor back-to-back fighting as it feels like a team deathmatch even during competitive games.

The Best Heroes for Colosseo


Colosseo, initially named Rome, is a push map based on Italy’s famous wonder of the world, the Colosseum. As such, Colosseo is arguably one of the most challenging maps in Overwatch 2 because of the narrow city streets underneath the bridge. This map has a lot of open space, and most heroes who can handle the intense push underneath the bridge will have an advantage.

Best Tanks

Best DPS

Best Support

  • Lucio

The Best Heroes for Esperança


Esperança is a bright and refreshing new map thanks to its captivating environmental design and colors based on Portugal. Moreover, the map is excellent for players who like to flank enemies because of the map’s shortcuts that aren’t usually noticeable in a fight. Likewise, long-ranged DPS and support heroes can use the areas effectively to take down enemies elusively on elevated areas.

Best Tanks

Best DPS

Best Support

The Best Heroes for New Queen Street


New Queen Street is the newest addition to the roster of maps in Overwatch 2. The map is based on the streets of Toronto with a wintery twist to give that cool aesthetic and open environment.

Furthermore, playing a sniper is not as effective as you think, as the map has too many tight corners and accessible cover. The fighting becomes brutal past the second point as the map starts moving to higher ground.

Best Tanks

Best DPS

Best Support

Escort Maps

Escort maps are playable in quick play and competitive role queues. However, escort missions in competitive are different as they automatically switch team positions after every round.

Also, each team act as a defender and an attacker. The attacking team pushes the payload, while the defenders stop the opposing team from reaching the goal.

The Best Heroes for Circuit Royal


Circuit Royal is a fun map where players can indulge in the futuristic reimagining of Monaco. As such, attackers escort a highly advanced F1 racecar through the lush environment of Circuit Royal until it reaches the luxurious hotel where the defenders reside.

Flank heroes are difficult to play on this map because of the narrow city streets that reveal everyone's position. Heroes who excel in long sightlines have a great advantage on this payload map.

Best Tanks

Best DPS

Best Support

The Best Heroes for Dorado


Dorado is a classic payload map that old Overwatch players are familiar with. Its appearance has structure designs full of festivities and historical aesthetics that new and old players can appreciate.

Moreover, Dorado is the best map for DPS or support heroes with high mobility and flight abilities, as it can scramble enemy team positions. Tanks with shield blocks off-angle attacks, especially flying heroes with weird attack patterns.

Best Tanks

  • Winston
  • Wrecking Ball
  • Orisa

Best DPS

Best Support

The Best Heroes for Junkertown


Junkertown is a map with personality, the map features a chaotic and unhinged design that suits the hometown of the Junker Queen. As such, the map is full of auto shops that highlight the map’s background lore.

Furthermore, mobility tanks are an excellent choice for Junkertown. Snipers tend to run wild here on this Overwatch map because of open design of the map.

Best Tanks

  • Winston
  • Wrecking Ball
  • D.Va
  • Doomfist

Best DPS

Best Support

  • Ana
  • Moira
  • Zenyatta

The Best Heroes for Route 66


Route 66’s structure design of the map speaks a lot for itself, as it weighs enriching lore while players escort the payload. Likewise, the map features a highly advanced industrial complex covered with empty and old local shops, which adds depth to the map.

Moreover, as the sign says go away on the deadlock gorge billboard, players can often fall if they wander too much on edge. Much to say, be careful at all costs.

Best Tanks

  • Reinhardt
  • Sigma
  • Junker Queen
  • Orisa

Best DPS

Best Support

  • Lucio
  • Mercy
  • Ana

Watchpoint: Gibraltar


Watchpoint: Gibraltar was Overwatch's old orbital launch base before they were forcefully disbanded. The map highlights Overwatch’s sigil throughout the game, and features equipment and gears used by the team’s agents before.

In addition, playing as snipers in Gibraltar is a delight as it gives you plenty of space to pick off targets. As such, the map’s hidden passages and elusive corners are sweet spots for flank heroes with mid to close-range attacks.

Best Tanks

  • Winston
  • D.Va
  • Doomfist

Best DPS

  • Tracer
  • Widowmaker
  • Genji
  • Reaper
  • Sombra

Best Support

  • Ana
  • Baptiste
  • Mercy

The Best Heroes for Havana

Havana showcased the bright and sunny streets of Cuba's capital. Players can indulge in the tropical atmosphere of Havana as they push the payload to the fort at the cliffs.

The map offers different reasons for snipers to be glad as they can take the high ground for them to take out the enemy team from a distance because of the map's wide street and lack of cover on Point a. As they reach point b, expect the fight will be more chaotic as possible as the paths in point b will make both teams claustrophobic.

Best Tanks

  • Orisa
  • Sigma
  • D.Va
  • Winston

Best DPS

  • Ashe
  • Widowmaker
  • Tracer
  • Reaper
  • Hanzo
  • Torbjorn

Best Support

  • Brigitte
  • Moira
  • Baptiste
  • Lucio

The Best Heroes for Rialto

Rialto will take you to the most famous canals in Venice and features a wide array of Italy's most beautiful architectures as players push the payload. Rialto also serves as the main headquarters of the criminal organization Talon, the sworn enemy of Overwatch. Sometimes you might want to use a Overwatch hero randomizer for this map, and that's not even a bad idea, unless you are tryharding.

Rialto is also a map for versatile team comps as it offers different reasons for players to play at any approach they want, thanks to the map's various angles and paths. Dive comps can harass from above, bunker comps can poke enemies from afar, and close-combat heroes are both in offense and defense play.

Best Tanks

  • Reinhardt
  • Sigma
  • D.Va
  • Zarya
  • Wrecking Ball

Best DPS

  • Pharah
  • Mei
  • Ashe
  • Hanzo
  • Soldier: 76
  • Torbjorn

Best Support

  • Baptiste
  • Lucio
  • Moira
  • Brigitte

Control Maps

Control missions tasks each team to hold the capture point until it reaches 100% in a best-of-three format. Furthermore, the fight gets more interesting as the enemy team can contest your progress and capture the control point for themselves. This map offers many close quarters fights as teams struggle for the point.

The Best Heroes for Busan (Downtown, Temple, MEKA Base)


Overwatch’s depiction of Busan is a collective of small maps with the influence of advanced technology and South Korean culture. As a control map, Busan also comprises three locations for each round where players can wreak havoc.

Furthermore, the map is known for its choke points where dive heroes can easily thrive. You can either take the fight to the enemy team or bunker up and endure the brunt of their attack.

Best Tanks

  • Junker Queen
  • Reinhardt
  • Roadhog
  • Zarya

Best DPS

  • Cassidy
  • Mei
  • Reaper
  • Tracer
  • Genji

Best Support

The Best Heroes for Ilios (Lighthouse, Well, Ruins)


Ilios is one of Overwatch’s beautiful and cozy maps, inspired by Greece’s signature stone paths and gorgeous ruins. Ilios also contains three areas where players can experience the map’s extremely sunny atmosphere.

Additionally, bunker tanks and agile heroes are the best choices for teams to hold the point. Likewise, this is also the best map for players who like to push or blow enemies away to break their high ground positions.

Best Tanks

  • Winston
  • Reinhardt
  • Roadhog
  • D.Va

Best DPS

  • Cassidy
  • Pharah
  • Widowmaker

Best Support

  • Lucio
  • Mercy
  • Brigitte

The Best Heroes for Lijiang Tower (Night Market, Garden, Control Center)


Lijiang Tower is a control map based in China that features Overwatch’s signature technological aesthetic that partners up with beautiful Chinese architectures. As such, Lijiang Tower also highlights three areas, each representing Chinese culture and design.

Aside from the map’s visual design, it is functional for heroes who excel in flanking enemy supports because of its hidden paths. The garden map is also a dream for heroes with displacement abilities as they can push away enemies overboard; a great place to get highlight reels.

Best Tanks

  • Winston
  • Reinhardt
  • Doomfist

Best DPS

Best Support

  • Lucio
  • Brigitte
  • Moira

The Best Heroes for Nepal (Village, Shrine, Sanctum)


Nepal is a control map where it displays a very peaceful and tranquil environment featuring one of the best characters in Overwatch 2, Zenyatta. Additionally, Nepal’s structure designs are surrounded by several narrow streets connected to an open area control located at the heart of each area.

Best Tanks

  • Reinhardt
  • Orisa
  • Roadhog
  • Zarya

Best DPS

  • Hanzo
  • Pharah
  • Cassidy
  • Mei
  • Symmetra

Best Support

  • Zenyatta
  • Lucio
  • Brigitte
  • Baptiste

The Best Heroes for Oasis (City Center, Gardens, University)


Oasis highlights one of the most technological cities in Overwatch, showcasing Arabian nights' beauty. Likewise, each point in Oasis features tall buildings of traditional Iraqi architecture in futuristic details. Moreover, Oasis is best played with strong hitscan heroes who can take advantage of the strong high ground points.

The Best Heroes for Oasis

Best Tanks

  • Reinhardt
  • D.Va
  • Wrecking Ball
  • Zarya

Best DPS

  • Tracer
  • Genji
  • Reaper
  • Soldier: 76
  • Sojourn

Best Support

  • Lucio
  • Kiriko
  • Moira

Hybrid Maps

Hybrid maps are a combination of Control and Escort objectives. Attackers must capture the payload before they escort it to the end goal. In contrast, defenders must stop the attackers from capturing or escorting the payload to ensure a victory.

The Best Heroes for Eichenwalde


Set in the hearts of Germany, Eichenwalde is the place where Honor and Glory take place in Reinhardt’s animated short story. Eichenwald's appearance is similar to the animated short, highlighting a battle-torn environment surrounded by destroyed buildings in ruins.

In addition, the fight gets more chaotic once the attackers set foot on the castle grounds. With that, defenders will gain the upper hand because of the height advantage, especially when enemies start clumping together.

Best Tanks

  • Orisa
  • Reinhardt

Best DPS

  • Pharah
  • Widowmaker
  • Reaper
  • Cassidy
  • Junkrat

Best Support

  • Brigitte
  • Lucio
  • Moira

The Best Heroes for Hollywood


Overwatch’s Hollywood is set in Los Angeles and is an amusing map where players can gaze at the beautiful studios inspired by real Hollywood. The map also features a cinematic trail full of interesting references.

After capturing the payload point, players must escort an obnoxious and sassy director to the end goal. As such, the café is the best place to post out your turrets and traps, stopping enemies.

Best Tanks

  • Winston
  • Junkerqueen
  • D.Va

Best DPS

  • Hanzo
  • Sojourn
  • Soldier: 76

Best Support

  • Kiriko
  • Lucio
  • Mercy
  • Ana

The Best Heroes for King’s Row


King’s Row showcases the fabulous streets of London flowing with remnants of the Omnic Crisis event. The map features an abundant amount of London’s architectural design with a touch of Overwatch’s visuals.

Moreover, the map is an excellent place for players who like to fly and take down enemies from the backline because of the map’s spacious ground. Likewise, there is plenty of space for snipers to take advantage of for securing an elimination for enemies.

Best Tanks

  • Sigma
  • Reinhardt
  • Zarya

Best DPS

  • Widowmaker
  • Junkrat
  • Mei
  • Hanzo
  • Reaper

Best Support

  • Lucio
  • Moira
  • Brigitte

The Best Heroes for Midtown


Midtown proudly presents the local streets of New York City incorporated with Overwatch 2’s iconic futuristic designs. Not to mention, Midtown is the very first Hybrid map introduced in the game. In this map, attackers must contest against defenders over a firetruck driven by an omnic and escort until it reaches the Grand Central Terminal as its endpoint.

Best Tanks

  • Winston
  • Sigma
  • Reinhardt
  • Doomfist

Best DPS

  • Genji
  • Soldier: 76

Best Support

  • Ana
  • Brigitte
  • Lucio
  • Moira

The Best Heroes for Paraiso


Paraiso is a new map in Overwatch 2 with an eye-catching and vibrant place fitted to be the hometown of the bombastic hero, Lucio. The streets of Paraiso showcase a very scenic and colorful atmosphere that emits a festive aura of Rio de Janeiro.

Furthermore, attackers must capture a green parade float against defenders to escort it until it reaches Lucio’s nightclub. As such, combat-heavy heroes are crucial once the enemy team get to the goal.

Best Tanks

  • Winston
  • D.Va
  • Sigma

Best DPS

  • Tracer
  • Reaper
  • Sojourn
  • Genji

Best Support

  • Kiriko
  • Lucio

The Best Heroes Blizzard World


Blizzard World is an amusement theme park inspired Overwatch map, and it features the wonder of Blizzard's famous IPs, such as World of Warcraft and Hearthstone. Like a theme park, the map is a versatile mix of layouts. Expect to hero switch often, as each point has different ways to fight.

Best Tanks

  • Reinhardt
  • Junker Queen
  • D.Va
  • Wrecking Ball

Best DPS

  • Soldier: 76
  • Tracer
  • Echo
  • Torbjorn

Best Support

  • Baptiste
  • Moira
  • Lucio
  • Mercy

The Best Heroes for Numbani


Numbani is one of the most interesting maps in the game. The map starts with Numbani's main streets which gives a relaxing aura thanks to the brilliant mixing of Africa's signature savannah and Overwatch's technological designs.

Each point in Numbani gives both attackers and defenders their shine. For instance, attackers can overwhelm defenders in point b as the area doesn't give too much cover for defense, the same goes for attackers who will get easily killed if a defender takes point at the high ground.

Best Tanks

  • Sigma
  • Orisa
  • D.Va
  • Winston

Best DPS

  • Cassidy
  • Pharah
  • Genji
  • Torbjorn
  • Hanzo

Best Support

  • Baptiste
  • Kiriko
  • Ana
  • Zenyatta
  • Mercy

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