Best Fade Lineups on Haven in 2024 [Haunt & Seize]

Check out the best Fade lineups for gathering intel and dominating the Haven map with the Haunt and Seize abilities.

Updated on Feb 21, 2024
Fact checked by Eddie Lemon |
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Best Fade Lineups on Haven in 2024 [Haunt & Seize]

Best Attacking/Post Plant Fade Lineups

Attacking A Site Fade lineups

A Site Haunt Watching A Long from Attacker Spawn

This lineup spots peeking enemy agents at the end of A Long. Stand on the back ledge in between the second and third decorated squares from the right.

Aim to the lowest branch from the overhanging tree, into the corner where the branch changes direction. Run forward until your crosshair is at the bottom of the branch then fire! Use this lineup at the beginning of a round so you can get the most out of it!

A Site Haunt Watching A Site from A Long

First, you want to go to the stone pile on A Long and jump onto it via the sandbags. This lineup allows you to reveal all enemies on A Site, regardless of where they are, and potentially some enemies lurking in A Heaven.

Aim at the left side of the top rock of the three on the right in the background and run and throw. You want to release when your crosshair roughly meets the wires. This does not have to be specific, as it will land on the roof if you are slightly off regardless!

Attacking B Site Fade lineups

B Site Haunt Watching B Site and Mid Courtyard from Attacker Spawn

There are not too many lineups for B site on Haven as Fade, but this is a very good one. Stand by this vase in Attacker Spawn. The lineup allows you to reveal and put trails on any enemies lurking at the top of Mid Courtyard and peeking from the front of B Site.

Aim at the bottom of the fifth from the right wooden pillar then run and throw. You might need to practice somewhat and make sure you are careful of enemies pushing from A Long or C Lobby if you are using this lineup later into the round.

Attacking C Site Fade Lineups

C Site Haunt Watching C Site and C Link from C Long

This C site lineup allows you to get vision and reveal any enemies who are hiding behind the boxes or in any corners on C site. Stand in the corner in the Cubby on C Long.

Aim to the right of the top of the lower rock, your crosshair should be in the middle of the larger rock. You want to run, jump and throw so it lands on the rooftop. It will give you a lot of intel, make sure you don’t get shot during this by enemies who are peeking from the back of C site!

C Site Seize tether back of C Site from C Long

This Seize lineup is similar to the previous Haunt and is quite risky as you have to peek and risk getting shot from enemies watching down C Long! Stand in the same place as before, in the cubby on C Long and loosely aim at the mountain in line with the corner of the building to the left.

The Seize bomb will land in the far back corner and tether anyone lurking there! It is best used in combination with other utility or abilities, such as Raze’s Paint Shells!

Fade lineups will make Haven a lot easier if you can reliably pull them off, but Fade is not the only Agent this trick works on; other Valorant Agents also shine there:

Best Defending/Retake Fade Lineups

Defending A Site Fade lineups

A Site Defending Haunt Lineup A Long

This lineup is very good as it allows you to see what enemies are pushing A site from the get-go. Stand on the ramp leading from A Site to A Long and aim at the roof at the other end. Run and throw just before you hit the wall directly in front of you.

A Site Retake Haunt Lineup Watching A Site

If you are rotating through mid or B Site, use this lineup to help you gather intel on enemies who are holding A Site. 

Stand in the corner of A Link and aim at the wooden beam on the right sticking out. 

The lineup will just land on the wooden ledge on this wall, meaning that it will be able to reveal enemies all over A Site and in A Heaven and A Hell.

Defending B Site Fade lineups

B Site Retake Haunt Lineup Mid Courtyard

Stand on the ledge in Attacker Spawn if you are rotating from A Site and aim at the bottom of the shadow on the left beam next to the window. You want to jump and throw at the top of your jump.

The Haunt will land at the bottom of the stairs in Mid Courtyard and will spot enemies lurking at the top of Mid Courtyard and on parts of B Site. It will also reveal enemies holding and waiting in angles in Mid Doors.

Defending C Site Fade lineups

C Site Retake Haunt Lineup C Link

Stand in the corner of C Link coming from B Site and aim just above the top rock on the left. Run forward and jumpshot the Haunt when your crosshair hits the rock. This lineup allows you to briefly reveal all enemies on C Site before they inevitably destroy it!

This is where the lineup will land, and as you can see it will get destroyed immediately, but it will reveal enemies briefly and give you enough information. It will also give you intel about enemies lurking in C Garage too!

C Site Defend Haunt Lineup C Long

This is a quite risky lineup unless you use it right at the beginning of the round when enemies are not pushing along C Long or C Garage yet. Line yourself up with the wall whilst standing on the metal platform in the corner of C Long and aim at the top of the leaves. Run forward and throw when your crosshair hits the gap in the leaves.

The lineup will land on top of the building and watch over the Attacker end of C Long and C Lobby. This will let you know if enemies are pushing C Site or not! It is very useful for gathering intel and communicating where the enemy agents are with your team!

Haven isn’t the only map we have Fade lineups guides for, and if you main this Initiator Agent, you will surely need them::

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